Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, Stanley Ntagali has told the Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga to withdraw her statement in regard to the fracas that occurred in Parliament following the suspension of several legislators on 27 September.
Kadaga vowed never to apologize for exercising her powers to suspend the ‘errant’ members, noting that there was a clear breach of the rules of procedure, and that the conduct left Parliament in disrepute.
Archbishop Ntagali while addressing Christians who attended the inauguration of Kibuku Archdeaconry and introduction of the first Archdeacon at Andrews’s Church of Uganda, eastern Uganda on saturday said Kadaga’s failure to apologise leaves many questions unanswered.
Ntagali emphasised that what happened was a total embarrassment to the Image of the country and its citizens. Being a man of God, I would advise her to repent and apologize to the people of Uganda, Archbishop Ntagali remarked.
“We should demand an apology from our leaders because they have shown us that Parliament is a place for fighting, which sets a wrong precedent. This was a total embarrassment and regrettable incident,” he added.
Archbishop Ntagali’s statement closely rhymes with that issued by FDC officials and the Parliamentary Forum on Constitution Supremacy, who called on her to apologize to the public.
MP Reagan Okumu (Aswa) and group expressed sadness over “broad daylight defilement of the sanctity and independence of Parliament by armed military personnel in an attempt to come up with a gunpoint constitutional amendment.”
In regard to the brutal eviction, Kadaga had stated that: “I didn’t command any security organ to take any action in Parliament and I am surprised that a mere civilian is being accused of commanding security agencies, this just shows you how empty that thinking is.”