As a Christian, I hear this lament all of the time, sometimes it even comes from my own lips, “Why doesn’t God help me in my troubles?”
Honesty speaking, hard times often leave us confused, frustrated and disillusioned. Yet in the Psalms, we see David go through so much and still trust and obey God. David did not ask much, he knew God intimately and trusted him wholeheartedly even in times of severe trials, and even going through them again and again.
BBC’s Nancy Kacungira took off time on Friday to share on social media that God does have a purpose behind problems a believer might go through in life.
She referred to her own experiences to explain that it is pointless for Christians to despise their past, for because of it, they can be living proof of the life-changing power of Jesus.
“I’ve learned it is pointless to waste energy on wishes and regrets. You should never despise your humble or difficult origins. Do you sometimes wish you’d been given a different lot in life? Whether it’s family background, education, or a circumstance in your past – don’t,” the former NTV Uganda and Power 104.1 FM journalist stated.
She used Isaiah 61:3 to reveal further that God is in the business of making beauty from ashes.
“The exact thing you think you would have been better without is the same thing that will eventually show others that you couldn’t have ever made it without God,” the 31-year-old said.
To add to this, renown author of Proverbs 31 Ministries, Tracie Miles recently told readers on her blog, what had once been a burden to bear can became a powerful story of holy transformation.
“I’ve since learned it is always God’s desire for us to go and share our stories, whether we want to or not,”
“One man’s past, and the healing he experiences, can became the foundation of a purpose in lives that he would have never imagined. People can deny Christ, dispute Scripture and ignore prophecy, but they cannot deny, dispute or ignore God’s transformational power in someone’s life,”
“Our stories of pain, adversity and overcoming in Christ are meant to serve as a testimony of God’s faithfulness and power, evidence that God really can take what the devil meant for evil and use it for good,”