Popular gospel artist and Buikwe district woman Member of Parliament, Judith Babirye led an over 50-member Legislatures choir as it performed during the 19th national Prayer Breakfast at Hotel Africana, Kampala on sunday.
Babirye, whose stand on the controversial age limit bill which was recently tabled before Parliament is still unknown, effortlessly led fellow politicians including Speaker Rebecca Kadaga, Minister for Kampala Beti Olive Namisango Kamya, Fr Simon Lokodo among others through several hymns that lit up the prayer breakfast which is annually organised by the Parliament of Uganda.
The Breakfast was graced by President Museveni who was in company of the First Lady Janet and Minister of Education Janet Museveni.
Museveni’s 10 minute-long speech took a swipe on Christians in Africa for endless prayer and “shouting overnights” while other developed countries are inventing.
“Africans have been absent in establishing dominion over nature (inventions) just as the Bible commands, instead resorting to endless prayers,” the President claimed.
“I don’t like the helpless approach where you just pray and neglect the original issues given to man to establish dominion over nature,” he continued.
“Africans just pray the whole night shouting as if God is deaf. God helps those who help themselves,” he said.
Running under a theme “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15), Pastor Toruli Olusegun from the Institute of National Transformation Nigeria was the keynote preacher of the day.
The very first Uganda National Prayer Breakfast was held at the Sheraton Hotel on 5 December 1991 under the theme “Love of God in Government”. Over the years, different Christian figures have graced this occasion including the late Dr Myles Munroe.