A few years ago, gospel singer Joseph Ngooma was too nervous to take his music to radio stations. Now he’s performing to thousands, as his music continues to gain more momentum across several radio stations in and around Uganda.
Ever felt too small and not good enough? Joseph Ngooma never though that he had what it takes to have his music gain approval both of the audience, and Radio station managers.
He is the gentleman behind songs; ‘Gwe Byona Mu Byona’, ‘Kambelenga Naye’, ‘Kankuwe A’matendo’, ‘Nze Tombulira Mulala’, ‘Gwe Munange’ among others
The singer says the his career started out when he lead and composed songs for his home church. For his personal music, Joseph says that he would only sing it at night or away from any crowd.
“I used to go to studio on several occasions, but without money to do the recording – that was 2006.” He says.
His passion for recording music prompted him to move out and look for work.
About 2009, he went and joined his elder brother who had a small coffee firm so as to raise 150,000/= for studio recording.
When he accumulated this sum, he quickly went to studio, however, the other challenge was choosing which song to record first of the so many that he had.
“I had so many songs deeply close to my heart, I had a lot of trouble choosing which one to record first. The spirit of the Lord guided me through, and I begun with ‘Gwe Byonna Mu Byonna’. This was my very first song. I did the recording jokingly never sure if it could ever become a hit.” He says.
Ngooma when on and finally recorded this sing, he was soon after scared of taking it to studio.
“I feared radio stations that time. Having grown up in the village, and having this perception that radio stations play big hits and welcome ‘big’ people alone, I had a lot of questions; How do they take songs to radio stations, who do you see, and how much do we pay?”
With the help of a few friends, the song star gained courage and and stormed one Christian station first.
“Top radio was my first destination. I went along with two friends. The person in-charge of receiving music at the station told me that if the song is good, we will play it. Before I could reach church, people were all over the place asking if I had done some music and taken it to radio.”
Joseph says that his song was played even before he had reached home.
“The song gained momentum like nothing. The production manager called me and boosted my moral further. Song became a theme truck in some commercials, giving me hope. It is here that I said; will record all other songs, and move to other radio stations as well – Christian and main stream. ”
“While other people look at concerts as a way to make money and promote their names, for me I look at having my music sink in the souls of the listeners.
“If I’m doing something, I want it to be big and good, even if its only once in a year – Other than holding a concert where people do not know your music yet. This does not create impact in peoples lives.” He says.