Previous generations thought that Jesus Christ would return in their lifetimes, but they were proven wrong. Many people alive today think that Christ’s return is imminent, but how true is this?
John Stephen Piper, founder and teacher of Desiring God Ministry weighing in on when he thinks Jesus Christ will return for His bride.
The reformed theologian in his latest podcast discussion inspired by a listener, sought to clarify when the children of God will see Jesus—sooner or later?
“Pastor John, I see two biblical realities I cannot reconcile, and you are the man for the task! First, I see a strong emphasis that Jesus is about to return to Earth. The church stands on her toes in anticipation. Also, I see a millennium – a 1,000-year period on the Earth before Christ returns. We are not in the millennium – I don’t think, so Christ is at least 1,000 years off…How do I reconcile those two realities?” The listener asked.
Piper said the answer to this question is found in Revelation 20:1–6, which explicitly speaks of the 1,000 years in relation to the second coming of Christ.
“Now, the question that divides Bible-believing Christians is how this one thousand-year reign of Christ on the earth followed by a complete revolution of things in the new heavens and the new earth, how that relates to the second coming of Christ,” Piper said.
Specifically, the question boils down to this: Will the 1,000 years come before or after Jesus comes again?
Piper said there are three views on this matter. The first is that the “one thousand years, the millennium, is a reference to the period of time where we are right now as Christ reigns in heaven today till he puts all of his enemies under his feet.”
The second is that the “one thousand years is a real period of lengthy glory in this age. We are not in it yet. It will come just before Christ comes so that the gospel triumphs in the world: the world is Christianized, by and large, peace and righteousness hold sway in the world, and then, after that, post that, Christ returns — this is Postmillennial.”
The third view is that “the one thousand years happens after Christ comes again, or he comes pre, before the millennium — and that is why it is called Premillennialism. Then, after Christ comes to a very rebellious earth and establishes his reign, there is a long, long period of glorious rule of Christ on the earth.”
Piper said he believes in the third view, even though he has “really good friends who hold all three of these positions.”
“Christ could come very, very quickly. I pray he does,” he said.
“It could happen very, very soon. He (Jesus) doesn’t have to wait one thousand years,” he added.
The same question was asked world renowned evangelist Billy Graham much earlier.
Unlike Piper, Graham declined to go into specifics, saying Christians should avoid trying to predict an exact date for the return of Jesus.
Instead, Graham suggested that Christians should make sure they are prepared for His return.
“Jesus warned us against making precise predictions about His return; only God knows exactly when Christ will come again to bring an end to the present world system. Jesus did, however, say that the world would grow increasingly confused and dangerous before He returns,” he said.