Jesus accomplished His mission

The full price required by God’s righteous Law of man’s redemption was fully paid.

By Onesimus Asiimwe

John 19:30 (NIV): “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”

The founder of the Unification Church, Rev Sun Myung Moon claims that at Easter time in 1935, Jesus appeared to him as he was praying in the Korean mountains. In that vision, he claims that Jesus asked him to continue the work which he had begun on earth nearly 2,000 years before.

Moon claims that Jesus asked him to complete the task of establishing God’s kingdom on earth and bringing His peace to humankind.

What a distortion of truth! Please pray for his followers (and they are many) that they would know the truth which will set them free.

On Good Friday, we come to the supreme moment of all history, the death of Jesus. Mark reports that Jesus uttered a loud cry (Mark 15:37) which some Bible scholars believe were the words John recorded, “IT IS FINISHED“. The cry gathers up Jesus’ entire ministry. It was a cry of triumph. Jesus accomplished the work the Father had sent Him to do.

The Greek word ‘Tetelestai’ implies work is accomplished. Paid in full. Artists call a very nicely finished work a ‘Master piece’ which does not need any other touch. Calvary cannot be improved. There is no room for improvement. Isn’t this Good News?

Jesus accomplished His mission. The full price required by God’s righteous Law of man’s redemption was fully paid. An end of transgression was made bringing in an everlasting righteousness.

All the prophecies of the Old Testament about the sufferings of Christ the Messiah were fulfilled. His sufferings of body and soul were over. The work of man’s redemption and salvation is now completed. Hallelujah!

One last time, Jesus uttered a Scripture as He gave His spirit. He quoted Psalm 31:5, “Into your hands I commit my spirit”. The life of Jesus was not taken from Him by force. He freely gave it up. Jesus had earlier said, “…no one takes it (my life) from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. (John 10:18 NIV) “So, He bowed his head and gave up his spirit” (John 19:30).

Bruce Milne, in his Book MESSAGE OF JOHN asserts, “Thus Jesus dies; He who was from all eternity dies, He who raised the dead, Himself dies.” p.282 ‘Tis mystery all! The immortal dies: Who can explore His strange design?’ Charles Wesley.

Jesus had earlier in the Gospel of John emphasized that He had come to “finish” the Father’s work (4:34); His ministry had “finished” that work (17:4) and His death crowned it all. It is finished. For the young people who like sounding cool, “I am done.”

Christ gave His life to purchase freedom for everyone. On the Cross, Jesus declared amnesty to all the captives of the devil. Today, you can enjoy your freedom from sin and pain; in the name of Jesus.

The author is a Reverend and he serves as the Chaplain of St. Francis Chapel, Makerere University in Kampala.

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