Multiple award-winning Gospel singer, Jackie Senyonjo narrates that being a mother means more than having given birth to a child. It’s loving and knowing a soul before you even see it. It’s educating, and revealing to the infant how to see opportunities amid challenges, and most importantly bringing them up in the ways of the Lord.
It is no secret that parenting is becoming more challenge for many in the nation today. To acknowledge their presence, Mother’s day is annually celebrated in Uganda – and across more than 46 countries of the world.
Jackie Senyonjo in an exclusive interview with UG Christian News, opens up about being a mom, and the experience she has attained since welcoming his first born 12 years ago.
Jackie : From being someone’s parent, the transition happens quickly. You have someone looking up to you as from the word; go. My childhood was very parentless as my parents died when I was still young. When I had my first Child, I was very independent.
The transition for me happened quickly because as soon as you have a child, you have to raise them. Not that I was raising them alone, I had a husband – but the idea of having to help them in every single way – pray for them when they are even still in the womb, even upon delivery. It was scary in the beginning (that is for the first child) but when they actually come out there is a joy that over whelms you. Immediately there is an understanding that comes to you that now; you have a responsibility to take care of this human being to make sure they come out to be responsible persons.
My first son is 12 years; it has been a wonderful journey. With him I learnt everything, from breastfeeding, the pain of labor among other things. Having your first child teaches you everything.
2. What has the bible taught you about raising a child?
Jackie : The bible says; train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. As soon as they begin to say the first word, you need to start training them in the way they should go, because as we have grown up there are those things we do not forget that our parents taught us.
My mum taught me how to pray, and say the Lord’s prayer. Kids never forget such things when they are fully grown men and women. I believe it is important to teach your children God’s word in the early stages of their life. Teach them the way of life. Inform them that in life there will be challenges, but you can overcome because someone overcame on your behalf.
3. What has given you the most joy as a mother? Describe it.
Jackie : My children are my friends, and I have come to realize this in the way that they communicate and share with me their downfalls, up hills, school and life journeys. That has brought so much joy in my heart, because I know in whatever challenge they go through in life, when it gets too heavy on them, they can share it with me. They have a shoulder to lean on, someone with whom they can pray.
4. What advice do you have for the next generations as they begin their own families? What advice is most critical for them to remember?
Jackie : Don’t rush to get married because you are under pressure where church elders are on your back or parents are saying your years are running out. Get married because you are ready. Get married because you have loved yourself enough to love somebody else. Get married because there is a purpose of God in your union with this person – That when you bring children into this world, they will not be shuttered because of a broken relationship.
Getting married is one of the most important decision you will ever make in your life – the first off is accepting Jesus in your life. For someone to stand with for the rest of your life, that is a very important decision. Focus; make sure you are ready for this institution that brings creation in this world. It is all going to be well with Jesus at the center of your life.
5. As a mother, what are your words to a woman out there, facing hardship, and is thus contemplating abortion over one reason or the other?
Jackie : Abortion, first of all is murder. You cannot commit murder. There is a reason why you have that child formed in your womb. If you made a mistake, forgive yourself, and have this child. The most important thing is not repeating the mistake.
If this child did not come unexpectedly. You conceived in marriage circles, but the relationship is falling apart, present it to the Lord, He is able to change any situation. He is able to do the impossible. Such situations are but for a while. Job said, even though you slay me, yet will I trust You. He chose to trust God even in the hardest of times.
Someone out there might think I am not in the situation they are in right now, but even in the darkest of a situation, I believe God is always close to you, to comfort and get you up. You do not have to murder anyone because two wrongs don’t make a right. Hung in there and believe that God will see you through.