There’s still some truly incredible music coming our way in 2016, some we don’t know about yet nonetheless, we do officially affirm that Holy Keane Amooti will be unveiling his new audio truck titled ‘Abooki’.
Obviously wondering what ‘Abooki’ means? Well, unless of course you are from Toro, one of the four traditional kingdoms located within the borders of Uganda. ‘Abooki’ is a Pet Name used out of respect, praise and love among the Banyoro, Batooro, Batagwenda, Batuku and Banyabindi of western Uganda.
They are over 12 names in total; those we often hear are Abbooki, Abwooli, Acaali, Adyeer, Akiiki, Amooti, Apuuli, Araali, and Atwooki and many more.
In an interview with UG Christian News, Holy Keane Amooti had a few details to put across concerning this upcoming single produced by John beat and Eli Arkhis, most of which you will find interesting I must say.
One, this new single is a love or better, lets say a dating song in which he requests Abooki to come and stay with him. Given the opportunity to listen to the song, you will closely much up the message for it does hold a few English words.
Out of inquisitiveness, we had to ask, “why Rutoro?” Years before, we have heard most of Keane’s music written in English fused with bits of Luganda to a certain degree.
“I want to capture the audience of the Batoro. I want to get them onto their feet and captivate them, then present to them the gospel of Jesus Christ. ” stated Keane who is today one of the most recognized figures in dancehall and reggae gospel music.
“About the album, I have not yet got its absolute name yet although with a few options to pick from. This will be the first single released. Many more songs will be coming through” He said
2012, Holy Keane was a Groove awards grand Nominee for the artist of the year award and at the recent Viga Awards, he was announced winner; best techno song /electro dance song of the year 2016.
To all the Batoro in Western Uganda, this is your year. Get ready to experience first class thrill that will keep you glued to whatever device you use for listening in from. This is another exhilarating, upbeat vibe we should watch out for. Without doubt, the inner reality of love can be recognized only by love.