It is madness to fight with God, because He always wins

Isaiah 45:9 says, “Woe to the one who quarrels with his Maker.”  Yet many evil men throughout history have tried to oppose God and His people. There is...


Isaiah 45:9 says, “Woe to the one who quarrels with his Maker.”  Yet many evil men throughout history have tried to oppose God and His people.

There is no way to fight God and win. True, it may seem like someone is opposing God and getting away with it temporarily, but when ultimately it spells eternal disaster!

Why Did Herod Kill James and Imprison Peter?  Because it pleased the Jews. You see, Herod ruled in Palestine where there were so many Jews, and endearing himself to the Jews meant he would increase in power and wealth. The Jews hated Christians, not only because of what they preached, but because of their amazing success and because they were including Gentiles into their fold. So, in order to get into the good graces of the Jews, Herod had James beheaded. So, this was a political move on Herod’s part. He wasn’t necessarily anti-Christian, he was just Pro-Herod. The best way he could promote himself was to kill the leaders of this new obnoxious sect called The Way.

Now when Herod saw that killing James pleased the Jews, he was elated and decided to try it again. If it worked once, it’ll work better twice. So, now he goes straight to the top, intending to execute Peter as well. Peter was the Leader, the most powerful preacher, the most dynamic of the apostles. Herod is not concerned with justice in the least. He is only concerned with his own selfish and proud purposes.

Herod’s Defeat:  Acts 12:5-19.

What Did The Church Do?  12:5. Notice the word “but”. This is the absolute game changer in this story. All things looked hopeless and impossible from the human standpoint. What could the church do against the armed might of Rome? Pray! And that’s what they did! So often we try prayer as a last resort. We would probably have been out picketing and writing our Congressmen, instead of praying. Alan Redpath often said, “Keep your chins up and your knees down – we’re on the victory side!” Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint on his knees!

How Did The Church Pray? 12:5.

Fervently: the Greek word can mean earnestly, unceasingly, or intensely. Literally it means “stretched to the limit.” It is used medically of stretching a muscle to its full capacity. The church was stretched out in intensity and anguish, praying with a total effort for Peter.

Continually:  “was being made”. Speaks of ongoing prayer. Peter was arrested sometime during the Feast of Unleavened Bread which lasts 7 days. This prayer meeting could have been going on unceasingly for 7 days! “The Church” probably refers to the entire body of believers in Jerusalem – 10 to 20,000 believers. So where did they meet to pray? Probably in hundreds of homes around Jerusalem, like the home of Mary (12:12).

Specifically:  “for him.” These believers weren’t asking God for 25 different things. No, they were all asking Him for 1 thing – deliver Peter from death.

Hopefully: “to God.” They knew that with God all things are possible. Remember Peter had been imprisoned twice already (4:2; 5:17). Once before an angel of the Lord rescued Peter and the other apostles. He could do it again!

The only way to true happiness, joy, fulfillment and satisfaction is in surrendering completely to God, and allowing His Spirit to live through you. If you have been fighting God, surrender today and ask Him to be the Lord of your life.

By  – For UG Christian News.

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