Photo: People paddle on a stand-up paddle board in the Sea of Galilee, northern Israel ( Reuters )
The water level of the Sea of Galilee, on which Jesus walked, according to Mark 6:45–53, are once again going up following “an unusual abundance” of rain in Israel.
More than a million tourists visit the Sea of Galilee annually, however the biblical lake was last year reported to be shrinking due to several years of drought and misuse.
Israeli officials said the famous biblical body of water suffered from four consecutive years of rain shortages, bringing its level to 20 centimetres below what experts consider acceptable.
Thanks to the rain, the Galilee is slowly filling up on its own.
According to CBN News, the Galilee on Monday was 3.6 meters away from being full.
Israel had started used technological innovation to pump water back into the Galilee.
Dr. Barry Lynn, a meteorologist and senior researcher at the Hebrew University’s Institute of Earth Sciences told CBN News he believes “Israel’s unusual abundance of rain this year has biblical parallels.”
“Joseph predicted seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine,” he told The Jerusalem Post. “But in our case we’ve had about seven years of drought now followed by unexpected rain.”
“Winter lasted longer than normal this year,” he added, according to sources.