OPINION | We are almost stepping into the second half of 2018; for many us, that involves fresh resolve to grow in godliness and in the spiritual disciplines.
Here is one resolution I would encourage you to consider making: regular prayer and encouragement for your pastor.
Hardly a day goes by without hearing a tragedy in a Pastor’s life, his spouse’s life or their children’s lives. Again and again, we continue to hear nothing less than satanic attacks that are trying to destroy our church leaders.
When the family begins to suffer, obviously the ministry of the pastor begins to suffer. Here is what is happening in Churches today, growth is going down dramatically. While one might have numbers, discipleship is crucial as each soul needs to abide in Christ and never ceasing to walk in the light of the Word.
Attempting to meet all the demands of church members can lead to pastor burnout. The demise of cultural Christianity has brought new pressures. Your pastor must preach a fresh word from God every time he steps at the pulpit. Sermons and sermon prep should be bathed in prayer. When your pastor accomplishes powerful things, ‘It is not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty.
Every pastor knows that the strength of the ministry rests on prayer, and that it is those faithful souls who pray regularly for him and the church who bring God’s special blessing upon the ministry.
This fact invites a marvelous “what if” scenario. What if not just a few but the entire leadership and congregation prayed in detail every day for the pastor and their church? What would happen to his heart, to his preaching, to worship, to evangelism, to missions? Can there be any doubt that the minister and his people would know greater enablement than ever before in their lives?
Prayer is where the congregation must begin in this whole matter of encouragement. Will you make a personal commitment to encourage your pastor by daily prayer for him and his work? If so, we leave you with this suggestive outline, from which you can draw your own prayer list.
Pray that he will be a true success: that he will be faithful, true to God’s Word and hardworking; that he will be a servant, following the example of our foot-washing Lord; that he will love God with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength; that he will truly believe what he believes about Christ; that he will lead a holy life, and not succumb to the sensuality of our culture; that he will lead a life of deep prayer, following Jesus’ example; that he will have a positive attitude free from jealousy.
Pray for his ministry–for his preaching, for time to prepare, for understanding the Word, for application, for the power of the Holy Spirit in delivery, for Sunday’s services, for his leadership, for immediate problems he is facing.
Pray for his marriage–for time for each other, for communication, for a deepening love, for fidelity.
Pray for his children by name. Perhaps you might ask the pastor or his wife how they would like you to pray for their children.
Added extract by Justin Taylor (Gospel Coalition).