The Most Rev. Stanley Ntagali was elected Archbishop by the House of Bishops of the Church of Uganda on 22nd June 2012 and was enthroned as Archbishop on 16th December 2012 in St. Paul’s Cathedral, Namirembe, Kampala. (Courtesy Photo)
Archbishop Stanley Ntagali’s retirement will not be about accumulating comfort or abandoning the great commission.
On Sunday, the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda preached at Saint Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe, commonly referred to as Namirembe Cathedral as part of a farewell tour leading to his retirement.
He was quick to remind believers that he is only retiring from official office duties but not from preaching the loving gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Archbishop and his wife Mrs Beatrice, together with other family members attended the first two English services.
In a special way, he also appreciated all the clergy, and lay readers who pray for him every Sunday. Those prayers have kept us going amidst some challenges, he said.
He thanked Bishop Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira for always standing with him during all seasons.
Saint Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe serves as the diocesan cathedral for Namirembe Diocese, which comprises of 6 Arcdeaconaries, 61 parishes and 342 local churches (congregations).
Archbishop Ntagali, who was consecrated in 2012, will officially retire next year in the month of March when he clocks 65 as per the constitution of the Province of the Church of Uganda.
He is now visiting all the 37 Dioceses in the Province biding farewell and, according to official sources, Archbishop Ntagali is left with 27 Dioceses including Kampala Diocese.