Fasting: A fresh start to the New Year
Today, my church has begun a joint fast. Everyone in the congregation yesterday was encouraged to participate.
For some, God has since 1st January inspired you to begin a fast but for one reason or the other, you have postponed the arrangement.
In his book titled “Fasting”, Jentezen Franklin writes, “Fasting keeps you sensitive to His Spirit, enabling you to live decisive.” We have the Daniel Fast, which is the most commonly used type of partial fast.
The Daniel Fast stems from Daniel 10: 2, 3 in the Bible, in which Daniel is under Babylonian captivity during the exile. He says, “In those days, I, Daniel, was in mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.”
A Daniel fast is not just for a time of mourning, but it represents an opportunity to cleanse one’s body from impurities that build up over time, and also cleanses one’s spirit so that we can hear the voice of God more clearly. It is an opportunity to demonstrate to God that we are more interested in the things of His kingdom than the things of this earth.
The bodily benefits of fasting are natural side effects, but should not be the main goal of a fast. I must note that a fast is not a diet, it’s not a starvation plan for weight-loss purposes, and it is not merely going on a “cleanse” to lose weight or reap physical benefits.
What better way to begin the new year, than by seeking to grow closer to our God, and allowing ourselves to hear His voice, which will give us the direction that we need 2016? God honors fasting and a heart that is seeking Him. Only make sure that as you fast, you allow yourself the opportunity to listen and to hear.
Perhaps limit your internet and television time, and increase your study and prayer time.
If you are not accustomed to fasting or have not participated in any particular type of fast, or if you have a health condition, you may want to check with your physician before beginning.
Many blessings for a healthy & happy new year!
By Pastor Sam – Revelation Church Mubende.