Churches are wounded, and the flock is often scattered when Christian leaders portray inappropriate conduct in several spheres of life.
Such scandals may involve sexual sins, mismanagement of church funds, political matters, broken marriage promises mention it.
Using the hash tag “DearUgPastor“, several twitter users have on Wednesday shared their thoughts on what they would have told Pastors in Uganda if they probably had the chance to meet them.
While some would say “thank you”, others have a few lessons to send across.
Today is Hushtag Wednesday on #DaDrive
If you had a moment to address Pastors in Uganda, Whats dat 1 thing U would tell them?#DearUGPastor— #Music4Life (@Spiritfm966) September 21, 2016
#DearUGPastor I have 50k, Where should I tick?? pic.twitter.com/8U5rLrP8Ae
— Hon. Paul Mugume (@oworugambo) September 21, 2016
#DearUGPastor don’t discourage me because you don’t understand my angle of ministry.
Deejaying isn’t demonic.— #DaBadGuy (@deejayawar) September 21, 2016
#DearUgPastor please encourage people to read the Bible.Your daily devotions are helpful but we must learn to read&understand on our own too
— Pretty Wings (@DeejayHush_M) September 21, 2016
#DearUgPastor what happened to most of your kids? Thy don’t do what you preach. Ok also ve time Fr your family
— Rytah Ug (@RytahUg) September 21, 2016
#DearUgPastor #DearUgPastor
Can u stop putting ⛪ properties in yo names yet it’s congregation that contributed 4 them THANK you— Richie (@alrichie4) September 21, 2016
Today’s hash tag #DearUgPastor not good at all , I thought you are going to put something more interesting
— #Proverbs31 (@KerryRoggers) September 21, 2016
#DearUgPastor if I come to you for counselling please be confidential. Don’t ask the entire board to pray with you regarding my issue.
— TheOutsider (@yvonnelamwaka) September 21, 2016
#DearUgPastor i want to know why some of u don’t allow coins in uo churches..u think we just pick money! pic.twitter.com/EFrF4Inzpd
— Un_RomanticBae. (@MimiKashwity) September 21, 2016
#DearUGPastor We are only saved by his grace not your of how and what we should eat, drink or even wear. DO NOT CONFUSE THE FLOCK.
— Born 2 Serve (@nshekah) September 21, 2016
#DearUgPastor Please For the Last 15yrs.. No growth in congregation, no people healed, no dev’t in your structures.. are u a Pr. Anywe
— D’KingdomHunk (@DagyChrist) September 21, 2016
#DearUGPastor are you aware that the suits you wear on a daily can pay school fees for 4 class streams in a UPE school?
— Mychael (@ampsmychos) September 21, 2016
#DearUgPastor stop anointing girls and women on their covered body parts Did I say this
Ok it mst stop Cc @deejayawar @RytahUg @oworugambo— Richie (@alrichie4) September 21, 2016
#DearUgPastor The Church is not a financial institution but Heavenly institution
— D’KingdomHunk (@DagyChrist) September 21, 2016
Follow the interaction #DearUgPastor