With names like “Skin So White,” “White Perfect,” and “White and Lovely,” skin bleaching creams are becoming a popular — and controversial — part of many women’s beauty routines. While skin lighteners may be used by different people for different reasons, many assert to struggling with a dark skin in a society that does not value it.
In Uganda, some women are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve a lighter complexion. What’s also terrifying is what they will use to achieve this. Ignorant of the side effects, many are willing to walk around looking like ‘aliens’ … they prefer that over their God-given color.
The popularity of skin-bleaching injections has rocketed over the last 18 months, according to Dr. Pranav Pancholi, a Harvard-trained dermatologist. Pranav says because it’s a recent phenomenon, no one really knows what the longterm health implications are.
All in all, others wish for just the opposite. Award winning gospel music singer Jennifer Mirembe of the “Look look” fame took to social media Monday morning thanking God that she did not bleach her skin, at a time her craving for this habit was at its peak.
“There was a time I wanted to bleach my skin because everyone around me was light skinned. I didn’t like myself. I wanted to fit in. But I didn’t bleach. ” She wrote.
Adding: “I thank God that my dark skin color has opened doors for me that I could never imagine. Thank you Jesus for I am wonderfully made,”
The singer is also popular for a melting testimony she often shares with her audience during ministration.
Just when she was at the wall, orphaned and deserted by her guardians, Jennifer Mirembe was miraculous selected to go and minister in a conference in the UK. This was the turning point of her life.
While in the UK, a complete stranger became her foster guardian, bringing complete joy and restoration for all her wasted years.
“We are all unique in our own way. Celebrate your self.” Jennifer Mirembe says.