While addressing several stakeholders that gathered for the launch the 23rd annual education and sports sector review workshop in Kampala, the State Minister of Education and Sports in Uganda, Janet Kataaha Museveni begun by praying that all proceedings in the education ministry will not be business as usual.
“The aim of this meeting is to review where we are coming from and ideally it should also inspire us to the onward journey to where we want to go,” she stated
Summarizing what the sector would like to consolidate from what she said where the gains that have been made in the many years of NRM’s strategic objectives, Mrs Janet urged that those new in this sector should gain new insights, “those who have been here need to get some spirit of revival in the course of this review exercise.”
She highlighted her targets for the Pre- primary and primary education sub sector, which included Salary enhancement for primary teachers
“This is another challenge which the education sector has been struggling with over the last few years but I am happy to inform you that the salaries of all primary teachers have been increased by 15% which will be the last installment in Government’s commitment to increase teachers’ salaries by 50% in a phased manner,”
She urged that in order to justify these salary increases Head teachers and teachers must now desist from absenteeism, late reporting and early departure from work.
“The Education sector is set to adopt a new Lower Secondary School Education Curriculum under the Curriculum, Assessment and Examination Reform Program (CURASSE). The program is set to be mainstreamed in 2018 and is currently undergoing a consultation process to harmonize the curriculum with as many stakeholders as possible across all the levels of education and political leaders,”
“We shall also continue promoting e-learning and computer literacy in order to enhance learning outcomes and contribute to innovations in the industrial developments,”
Other key areas of interest included the Teacher Education and Instructor Training, Business, Technical, Vocational Education and Training (BTVET), Higher Education and Training Sub-sector and Sports Sub-sector.
She said that the Ministry of Education has to work hand in hand with the relevant Government Ministries to put a stop to the distribution of inappropriate literature in schools.
“As I conclude, I think it is necessary to mention the new problem that has come up which is now a national concern on the foreign teaching labeled “Comprehensive Sexuality Education”. These foreign instructional materials came in under cover and presently the Ministry is trying to make a thorough analysis of their origin,” she stated, declaring the 23rd Education and Sports Sector Review Workshop 2016 open.