Pr David Ngabo, known for fiery sermons pointing at the injustices allegedly committed by the ruling government, has taken his excitement about the swearing-in of opposition leader Dr Kiiza Besigye to social media saying, “we can not hold back our Joy after Witnessing the Heroin Swearing In of The People’s President Dr. Kizza Besigye, a man who has suffered all forms of humiliation, torture, various forms of imprisonment,”
Dr Kiiza Besigye was on Wednesday morning “sworn in” as the country’s parallel president.
The “swearing in” ceremony was conducted at a public gathering and witnessed by hundreds of cheering supporters including Forum of Democratic Change (FDC) leaders, according to a four-minute video shared on social media later in the day.
“I Kiiza Besigye Kifefe swear in the name of the Almighty God to remain faithful to the Republic of Uganda and that I shall preserve, protect and defend the constitution of Uganda. So help me God,” Besigye, swore while holding the Bible.
“When Jesus was on the Cross amidst all forms of Agony,He made an Everlasting statement when He said: “IT’S FINISHED! We thank God who has enabled this Heroine Swearing In be!” Pr Ngabo stated.
When Jesus said It was Finished! Lots happened; The veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; But all this and more did not stop the fulfillment of The Word coming to pass but all things work together for good to them that love The Lord and are called to His Purpose. Again I Congratulate THE PEOPLE’S PRESIDENT,” he further noted.