I have a fervent belief that if we want to reach a post-Christian society, we have to be Good News before someone will listen to the Good News.
Am sure you’ve heard phrases like, a church that stays within its four walls is not a church at all…For the Church leadership, this isn’t about a religious duty each weekend, it’s about living out our faith Monday through Friday.
As you read through Scripture, notice how many times God expresses His love toward cities. In fact, He loves your city so much that He sent you to be His hands and feet there.
The job of helping the less fortunate really doesn’t belong to politicians or civic leaders alone. The job of creating opportunities, sensitization and ensuring proper sanitation isn’t a government must-do alone.
Why don’t we change the people’s mind sent; the “Gavumenti etuyambe phrase.”
From God’s perspective, His people need to be leading the way in helping those who are hurting (Matthew 25:31–46; Luke 4:16–21).
Whether it’s hosting the homeless or volunteering for after-school mentoring programs, believers can show God’s love in a lot of different ways.
People need to have their spiritual, emotional and physical needs met. We are living in a crazy world today.
II Timothy 3:1 also helps me put this in perspective, “but know this, that in the last days perilous times will come.” I’ll take the liberty to say that perilous times are here.
More and more children are growing up in broken homes, unemployment is on the rise and Christians are sinking deeper into debt like never before. Inappropriate waste management is a church concern too! Churches are a public service to the surrounding communities. They should provide just about everything.
Many are struggling to make ends meet in their everyday lives, and we feel the pinch of reality just like everyone else. Let them know of where you hope and strength comes from. Believers are not exempt from trials of the world. But they are over-comers.
We are living in perilous and drastic times. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Targeted small groups should be implemented in churches to be available to meet the needs in each believer’s life. Irrespective of church size, each church can provide effective small group ministries and outreach services.
This momentum can then spread out beyond the walls of the church and be incorporated into the community where the church serves. To the best of its ability, the church can provide services, counseling and advice to those in need.
Hospitals, youth development centers and mental institutions should not struggle with counselor crisis.
Again, the key is being intentional every step of the way and casting a vision for how you want the city to see you—not just how you want the city to look.
With some intentional effort, you can build bridges that encourage people to move out into the community.
Making a difference in people’s everyday lives will benefit the believer as well as the community. When the church is rooted deeply in its community, and its membership is operating as public servants, the church will impact the lives of the people and the believers will fulfill the Messiah’s mission on earth.
We must start to look deep within ourselves and arise to serve the needs of all people in the name of Christ. Now is the right time to become the church Christ expects it to be.
By Dennis Wasswa.