Everything that you are going through – that also shall pass. Life is a battle. You either loose of win. But the bible says we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. If He [Christ] be for us, who can be against us? Every person that comes against you shall be defeated. God has released his angles to fight for us. Behold He will never slumber.
He anoints your head with oil. You are going to be anointed in the presence of your enemies. The lion of Judah dwells in you and He is going to roar. You shall shine like the sun, with all its brilliance.
In the demonic world, do you know that they exchange blessings, sexes [gender] and life it’s self?
You might carry a male child and they turn him female. They can change your children’s glory and make them servants. Some of you were the first runners, highly intelligent in your family, but something went wrong. You know it!
Some of you were in business – you imported to major countries way before any body else did. You had connections for major tenders and deals – but today it is impossible. Someone came to you shop and simply said ” change” they changed your density into their destiny. They exchanged your star and glory.
If you are afraid of battles, you will never get any mantle. After the Cross comes the Crown. Have you come through one battle only to end up in another. Have you reached at that level where there is no body to encourage you?
We have two kinds of battles in life; First battle we have is the Royal battle.
This is a battle with royal-hood. (Psalms 2) – The conspiracy against God’s anointed comes from Kings, People who are better than you, richer than you, more educated than you, but still fighting you.
God has allowed that royal battle because He is going to see you through and promote you. When people above you are saying bad things about you – that is a royal battle. When people more anointed than you are fighting you – that is a royal battle .
Can you imagine Herod fighting Jesus. That was a royal battle. King Soul fighting David, a 17-year-old? If you are going higher, there are such battles you will have to fight. Today I declare that you are going to win that battle. You are going to become relevant.
Second battle we have in life is the internal battle. The Bible says man’s greatest enemy shall come from his family.
These come from inside your family – from your mother, brothers, aunties. Same church pastors, believer from within.
Have you seen Pastors fighting pastors? David fought a royal battle, and an internal battle too, against Absalom, his third son.
Absalom had plans to take David’s Kingdom. He chased David out of his Palace and slept with his wives. There is a prayer David however prayed in the bible – Psalms 73. I don’t know who is tormenting you – I come to declare, you are already above that battle.
During Absalom’s defeat and death, the Lord turned a forest into war – and the forest begun to clear the whole Absalom army.
You family is going to be delivered today. Good thing that should – will come form your family. I am calling on God to raise you up – to position you at a level unlike anything you have ever seen in your family.
You will never know how great you are till you fight some internal battle. Who is fighting you? God says the battle is over. You’re going to overcome in a supernatural way.
Message by Pr Dr Godfrey Kamese. (Shared with Permission)