It’s all joy and laughter in the house of Brian Lubega!
The Gospel sensation has welcomed a healthy bouncing baby boy.
He broke the good news to his fans on social media, thanking God for a new general who he says will spin many Generations and reconcile many hearts to God.
Right before he could head to hospital and visit his wife Mary Gorret and the child, he spoke to Ug Christian News about the joy he felt upon receiving the news.
“I felt excited, God is bring forth someone else whose plan he has full laid clearly. Am super excited, every year God is unfolding his promise to me am forever grateful,”
Something else so exciting is the name of the new born child, baby Joshua Nsiimye.
‘Nsiimye’ is a luganda word to literally mean I am thankful.
“I have named my child after this name because I am glad God is filling my quiver. It come from my first song called Nsiimye,” he says
Brian and and Mary Gorret got married on 17th January, 2015 in Kampala. Brian took a vacation shortly after and has since been engaged fully in ministry around the country.
Congrats to you Brian and Mary!!!