A Church in Kampala is announcing its Gospel crusades this year in some of the least evangelized districts in Uganda. Gulu in northern Uganda is one of such regions with majority living in unreached areas with little access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
With an estimated population of over 443,733 people, specialists in Gulu are till this day struggling to treat thousands with physiological conditions thought to have been caused by the long-running conflict with the Lord’s Resistance Army, LRA dating back to 1987.
As residents heal physically day by day, the district remains thirsty spiritually with thousands still beyond the reach of the Gospel. These groups, one might say, are perhaps the neediest of the needy as they seem alienated to mission agencies compared to other areas around Uganda.
Liberty Worship Centre International – Lugala has taken up the initiative of reaching out to Gulu district through a gospel crusade and conference slated for 18-25 March at Kaunda grounds.
Hosted by Pr Imelda Namutebi, the crusade will commence following one organised in Mityana District, where the church stayed 5 days this month.
A few years back, Pr Imelda said she felt called by God to move across the country sharing the gospel, ministering healing and deliverance for those in captivity. She has since held numerous meetings in several districts, and attracted thousands.
“Lots of people [were] saved. Lots of people [were] Spirit-filled, delivered, healed.” she said after one crusade in Busia.
Formerly a Muslim, Pr Imelda came to Kampala at about 16 or 17 years of age.
She was fasting during the month of Ramadhan, battling mysterious illnesses when a friend, Lydia Kyomuhendo told her, “But why don’t you become a born-again Christian?”
“We were both young and stubborn and I did not take her seriously. But one day she turned up with another young lady called Deborah and that girl prophesied upon my life saying; You are going to be a great prophet, you will take the gospel to nations, God will use you to do mighty works.” Pr Imelda recently told the Observer.
Adding: “And because of what Deborah had said, I felt an overwhelming love for God – I started a life of prayer and seeking God.”
Shocking report on Gulu
In 2012, records from Gulu Regional Police Headquarters indicated that a total of 22 people committed suicide in October alone.
At the mental health unit of the district hospital, 9,600 cases of mental illness were reported in 2006 and 2007, and more than 4,400 cases reported in the proceeding months, according to officials.
The conditions include post-traumatic stress disorder or PSTD, depression, epilepsy, alcohol abuse, acute psychotic disorders, and chronic psychosis.
By Paul W Dennis