Massive crowds have flocked Fort Portal for a gospel crusade and conference, which started January 15th at Buhinga Play grounds.
Following a remarkable and power-packed 8-day evangelism mission in Mubende last year, senior Pastor and vision bearer of Prayer Palace Ministries, Bishop Grivas K. Musisi has high expectations that this open-air outreach will have a major long-term impact on the western region of Uganda.
He declared the grounds sacred soon as the crusade started, urging congregants to blow the whistle and invite as many residents in the area as they could.
Many things have happened since the meeting started, preachings, prayer sessions, with people responding to Christ and the church reporting on social media: “miracle and wonders.”
“We are standing in this position, to proclaim his glory and fulfill the great commandment; go yea into the whole world and preach the gospel – lay hands upon the sick and they shall be recovered – And these signs will follow them that believe, they shall cast out demons in my name,” Bishop Grivas remarked.
He shared a number of reasons why one’s prayers may not answered, also calling upon congregants to always testify before the Lord.
“The reason why sometimes God does not answer our prayer, is because we are not in his will. John 15:7 says; If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. I know we are in the will of God here now and are in His presence,” he said.
Co-hosts of the crusade and conference include Pr Kizito Ronald, Pr Edward Lule, Pr Jimmy Katuramu among others.
Bishop Grivas is married to Olivia and has five (5) biological children.
Prayer Palace Ministries has planted and over-sees of 225 churches in Uganda. The Bishop has an evangelistic organization “Mission 2000” with a divine mandate of reaching 68million souls across Africa.