By Creflo Dollar
Some of us may find ourselves in a rut, struggling just to keep up with our circumstances. Success in paying the bills, maintaining the bank account, or finding a job, can seem elusive.
When we try to handle our own affairs, we may make mistakes and fail. But God is committed to our success, and when we rely on Him, we excel beyond our circumstances.
Looking at our current situation and deciding that we’re not successful according to the world’s standards—or our own expectations—is discouraging. But the good news is that God’s standards are different than ours, and letting His Word guide us leads to true success. When we apply His teachings to our lives, we gain a new perspective and we can see beyond the circumstances of the moment. God’s presence is all we need to succeed.
We may feel small and insignificant compared to the seemingly insurmountable problems facing us. But God sent His Son Jesus to help us live victorious lives and rule over situations that used to defeat us. The Scriptures teach us that with God in our corner, there’s no stopping us. “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31).
God has made us many promises, including a prosperous, successful, and happy life. Believing and depending on those promises is like standing on solid rock, safe and secure. Jesus uses the analogy of a rock to tell us how strong and stable we are when we follow His teachings (Matthew 7:24-27). God gives us the strength to not allow our current situation to move us from the truth of His Word.
Earthly situations can pop up quickly, and our circumstances can be like the constant ebb and flow of the tides. We may feel like we’re on top of the world one moment, only to have everything collapse around us in the blink of an eye. In the Old Testament, Joseph was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. He could have thrown up his hands in despair and given up on life. But God was with him, and Joseph prospered and succeeded in everything he did (Genesis 39:1-3, AMP).
When we accept God as our Lord and Savior, He comes to live inside of us and is with us always. He promises never to leave us, even in tough times when none of our friends are around. When we face those “David and Goliath” moments and it seems like all the powerful forces in the world have lined up against us, we don’t need to be anxious or fearful (Hebrews 13:6, AMP). The One who created the earth, the sky, and the universe, will carry us through.
Another thing we don’t have to worry about with God’s love is our past. We’re accustomed to remembering our failures and mistakes. But after we accept Jesus and are born again, He completely forgets our past sins. The world may search for “skeletons in the closet,” but God doesn’t.
God is so committed to seeing us succeed, that He gave us His only Son, Who shed His blood so that we could experience true success. No ordinary life coach or self-help expert would do that for us. With Jesus, we have the only ally we’ll ever need (Psalm 27:1; 118: 6).
Article First Appeared at www.creflodollarministries.org