Ahead of Christmas, several internet users joined Uganda Christian News (UgCN) on Wednesday to celebrate Jesus Christ through whom we receive salvation by grace through faith.
Our Theme: ‘Indescribable Gift’ – 2 Cor 9:15
As some of you might know, the Greek word for “indescribable” is anekdiegetos, and it is used only once in the entire Bible. Evidently, to Apostle Paul there was no word known to man that could adequately express God’s gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Bible scholars believe that to use any known word in the seemingly unlimited realm of literature, academia, and human expression, the Apostle Paul would fall infinitely short in expressing the magnitude of God’ glorious gift.
During this season, regardless of what you might be going through, we at UgCN encourage you to accept the remarkable gift of Salvation from God and pursue a personal relationship with His Son Jesus Christ. (Read Ephesians 2:8-9)
The Scripture is consistent in its message that without Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), we would never have grace or peace.
During this season, we also encourage you to share this Good News of undeserved salvation.
Merry Christmas!