Casting Crowns lead singer Mark Hall announced via Facebook March 5 last year that doctors had discovered a lump in his kidney they were 90 percent sure was cancerous.
She said although the pathology report did show that the kidney was cancerous, the doctors confirmed they caught it in the earliest stage possible and it did not spread to anywhere else in his body.
After a successful surgery to remove a cancerous growth, Mark explained last week through a podcast with “The Church Boys” that compared to what so many go though, he was really fortunate to be able to get back out on the road.
“It was about two-and-a-half months that I was out recovering from surgery, so it took a while. But compared to what so many go though, I was really fortunate to be able to get back out on the road,”
For Mark the cancerous infection was determined to be a nuclear level 3 cell type, which is aggressive. What that means is that it was active and ready to go somewhere.
“My feelings kept slamming up against something solid in me, and that was the roots of my faith. The fact that I’ve been in the Word for years. The fact that I’ve been following Jesus for years, and the roots of my faith were reminding me: God is who He says He is.” he explained
“All of these things you’ve ever read and believed and trusted are true. It doesn’t stop being true just because this took you by surprise,” the singer said.
Hall hopes that his experience and music will inspire others to trust in Christ. “I just want people to know that God is who He says He is and that we can trust Him and we can follow Him from where we are.”
He adds, “I think sometimes when we’re caught by surprise we feel like maybe God’s caught by surprise. But He’s at the end of my life already looking back on it. So I’ve got to remind myself of that.”