Photo courtesy: ©RNS/AP Photo/LM Otero
In an hour of trouble or crisis, many people lose their trust in God and His Word. Others become fearful, and some begin to question, “Is God still with us?”
When something happens that we don’t understand, we have a decision to make. Are we going to let a setback or tragedy steal the blessings of God from us? Or are we going to stand firm and declare, “God is still God—no matter what”?
The Storm Rages
When the disciples faced a great storm on the Sea of Galilee, they forgot all about God and His Word. In Mark 4:35, Jesus had told them, “ ‘Let us go over to the other side’ ” (NIV). As soon as they set sail, a furious storm erupted. The winds were howling and the waves were crashing as the storm threatened to capsize their boat.
The disciples cried out to Jesus in absolute terror, “ ‘Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?’ ” (v. 38).
Jesus’ response was, “ ‘Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?’ ” (v. 40). Why did He make such a direct, confrontational statement to His disciples?
He spoke those words because they were fearful. They faced a difficulty in life and lost their trust in the Word of God.
Jesus had already told them, “Let us go over to the other side.” Then He went to sleep!
What made the disciples so fearful? Was it the storm? The wind? The waves? The boat being tossed back and forth? Those things were factors. But those were external things. You see, fear is not a motivating factor until it gets inside you.
They Forgot God’s Presence
Jesus was in the boat with the disciples, but when the storm struck, they lost their focus on the Presence of God. Suddenly their focus was on the storm, the wind, and the waves. For you and me, it’s the circumstances of life that we begin to focus on. It’s the things that don’t happen when we pray and believe God. But remember, Jesus is still there, even in the midst of the storm.
When the enemy tries to make you turn loose of your faith, the key to resisting him is to remember that Jesus said, “ ‘. . . lo, I am with you always . . .’ ” (Matt. 28:20 NKJV). No matter what happens, Jesus is still on board!
They Forgot God’s Promise
The disciples also forgot that the words spoken by the Master were stronger than any storm. When the storms of life come, we often forget what God has said to us.
But God’s promises will get you through the storm! Trust me. I’ve been there. His Word will take you to the other side!
Six years ago last September, I raced across town to my father’s house. It was a shock to see his seemingly lifeless body lying there, and only a few days later we had a memorial service for him.
One week after that service, I was preaching at a crusade. As I laid my hands on the sick and believed for them to be healed, the enemy taunted me, saying, “He didn’t get up. What are you doing this for?”
I immediately declared, “The promises of God are true, no matter who didn’t get up!” No matter who lives or who doesn’t live, the Word of God is still true. And I will hold onto His Word forever!
Today you may be faced with the same kind of situation I was. Your heart may be broken. You may have suffered a tragic loss. But now you have a decision to make. Will you turn your back on what you have believed, or will you believe God? Remember, it doesn’t matter what the circumstances are, God is still God. His promises are still true. We must hang onto that.
Jesus said to the storm, “Be still,” and the storm was still (v. 39). You and I can release the power of God with our words just as Jesus did.
What happens in your life from this day forward is up to you. You must choose to speak God’s Word. You must release the power of God with your faith. When you speak the Word in faith, it brings deliverance and salvation to your house!
I have made my choice. I will speak the Word of God in the face of every howling storm and raging wind that comes my way!
Yes, we all face the question of not understanding everything that happens. But we must not let those things cause us to lose our faith in God.
I have faced those questions many times in my life, and every time, I have come back with a boldness to believe that the Word of God is true. I will shout it from the housetop. As long as I have breath in my lungs, I will declare, God is still God—no matter what!
Article Originally Published at rhema.org