When we are weighing in on the issues of the day through Facebook, Twitter, or any other social outlet, let us do so redemptively. May we lift up the righteousness, love, and forgiveness of Christ, trusting that He will draw all men to Himself (John 3:14-15).
There are appropriate times to discuss problems in the body. Usually the first step is to discuss it directly with the person at issue. We should seek a proper, humble attitude and an appropriate forum for the discussion.
My concern and purpose in writing this article is to shed light on the ongoing contentious spirit of strife that is dividing the body, and encourage everyone to walk in the love of God.
True faith must manifest works that are not empowered by our own ability, but rather graced by God himself. What do you do first when you find a statement asserting that a given Church leader has strayed in doctrine? You hate them – God hates them too? Scripture says nothing can separate us from God’s Love (Romans 8:31). We respond with love during controversies ladies and gentlemen. If he is valuable to God, he should be valuable to us as well. Regardless of how we perceive other people to be, we are all God’s creations, and it God’s will for us to show respect to one another.
Even if you can’t discern what is going on in the spiritual realm, you can see with your natural eyes what the enemy is doing through media. Instead of stopping up our ears and closing our eyes, we can hit our knees in prayer and cut off the enemy’s plans at the pass. The enemy always overplays his hand, and the media do a fine job tipping off what the prince of the power of the air is planning next.
What attitude lies behind criticizing Elvis Mbonye? This is the attitude God sees. Whatever he had done, that you find so abominable… Is your attitude reflective of the forgiving love of Christ? Is the grace of Jesus Christ overflowing as we unleash the power of our pointed forefinger?
I know how good it feels to think we are all right and He is all wrong, but come on! Finger-pointing is so contrary to every one of the Beatitudes. Where is the peacemaker among finger-pointers? Where is the meek and the one who mourns?
It’s time to beseech God to guide us as we face such days. It’s time to pray as David did, asking God to put a guard on our mouths to stop the verbal assaults that come out in concert with our pointed fingers (Psalm 141:3).
So what is Elvis Mbonye’s sin? He’s a false prophet? He’s become rich by questionable means? He is seeking worldly honor? Is that offensive to you? If these things are true, they should break your heart and lead you to your ‘war room’, not agitate you and make you harsh, critical and judgmental.
Always understand one thing, main stream media and many social media users have their own agenda. The sower of discord “points with his finger” in an effort to persuade others to join his team. He’s a sneaky communicator, and his destructive power lies in his ability to recruit. Whenever someone has a complaint against another person, your best response is, “did you talk to that person about it?”
The fact that many Christians have joined in shows me it is a Christian problem. It’s disturbing in all angles, but shocking to see how we respond to controversies. Don’t let emotions drift in? As the entire body of Christ, we need to trade our titles for true humility.
I briefly popped my head into the tent of facebook and read a splattering of comments. Many seem to be deeply divided and deeply engaged in what is happening. We must not let our own philosophies get in the way of letting God reveal His truth through Scripture; at the same time, it is so easy to take verses out of context and attempt to point out where we want to believe someone is wrong.
It takes a lot more spiritual maturity and depth to be steadfastly committed to a perfect cause with an imperfect church family!
If you feel he has erred in doctrine, If he has lost his way and is in trouble with the Lord, that should be what concerns every professing Christian and lead you to pray for the man. If he were your own son, brother or father, would you be criticizing him and speaking evil of him before the church and the world? I think not. When we can love others like they are our own children or closest of kin, we are really making progress and maturing in the true love of God. (Galatians 6:1).
When we react in love – they think we are brain washed and fools. But between you and me, we know that is the way to go. Until that day, I choose to trust what I don’t understand to the God who does.