Frank Walusimbi. COURTESY PHOTO.
The Book of Esther relates the story of a Hebrew woman in Persia, born as Hadassah but known as Esther, who becomes queen of Persia and thwarts a genocide of her people.
Although listed among books in the Bible that do not mention God, Frank Walusimbi, a renowned news anchor, television presenter and journalist currently working with The Nation Media Group, explained during a youth gathering at The Praise Cathedral – Ntinda recently that all scriptures therein draw significant attention to God’s providence and how He works behind the scenes.
A Time To Speak
Frank Walusimbi explained that social media has revolutionised how we communicate, adding that many today engage in unproductive conversations, portraying a lot of bitterness and anger.
“From the time Esther is put in the care of Hegai, the king’s eunuch, who was in charge of the women; she does not tell anybody who she is. Her silence was very crucial at that time. When do you as a Christian take off time to stay silent and assess the situation before you?” Walusimbi asked the Church.
He cited Esther 2:10 which says, “Esther had not revealed her nationality and family background, because Mordecai had forbidden her to do so.”
“Evaluate your environment before you deliver information to the people you interact with or your adversaries. Ensure that when you speak, what you deliver adds value to you and does not bring retrogression,” he said.
“For so many of you that desire speaking to influential people, when the opportunity arises, what will you say?” Walusimbi said, pointing out the essence of effective communication skills.
“On social media I follow a lot of things, especially those that are developmental. But it is inevitable to come across profitless conversations. For some, in their bio on facebook and twitter, they mention that they are born-again, but when you look at what they post, you are amazed. It does not reflect the faith they claim to subscribe to,” he said.
Frank Walusimbi encouraged the Christians to position themselves as role models, and “walk with value, not just because someone is watching you.”
“It really bothers me when we are not looked to by others as an example to be imitated. It hurts me. That is why, each time I am given an opportunity to speak to the youth [in Church], I always mention this; let us set an example for others to follow,” Walusimbi said.
Adding: “The church is under fire, there is a lot happening right now that is being published in the media. But, how do you as a Christian come out – not to defend, but portray a picture that Christ is at work. Are you among those ridiculing the church saying it is a dead institution? We can have that point blank conversation on the side, but when you go out express, what are you saying?”
Face Your Fears With Courage
Mr Walusimbi told the audience that Queen Esther chose courage, instead of bowing to her fear of walking into the King’s court unannounced, or the imminent destruction of her people.
“There are so many things that terrified Esther, “Won’t I be killed when I go before the king? What if they realize that I am a Jew?”. She nevertheless gained courage and took a bold step of faith to appear before the king. “If I perish, I perish,” she said. Esther had a duty to redeem the Jews from death. Let us conquer the things that terrify us. Grab the bull by the horns,” Frank Walusimbi said.
Moving on, Mr Walusimbi highlighted the significance of Esther’s choice to call for a 3-day fast before confronting the king with the matter of saving the Jewish people. “Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do” (Esther 4:16).
For Such a Time
Elsewhere, Mr Walusimbi revealed in his speech that like Esther, we can trust that God has placed us where we are “for such a time as this,” for His purposes. He urged that our assignment is important too. He explained that we are surrounded by people God loves and wants to rescue.
He made reference to Esther 4:14, where Mordecai tells Esther: “If you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
“Each time God plants you in a particular place, it is because He has a divine purpose for you there,” he said.
Work on Your Attitude
Across the world today, Walusimbi urged that many believers often feel trapped into situations they want to run away from yet God wants them to be bold and stand up for His word.
“Esther won the favor of Hegai. Much as she felt she was in the wrong place, she adjusted her attitude. The right attitude is required if we are going to progress,” he said. “Work on your attitude. Many youth today have a bitter attitude or mindset.”
“Once you realize what terrifies you, try it out more often. Sometimes, what you fear, once conquered, will advance you to your next level. But, each time you let fear take over, you become convinced you will never make it in life.”
He went on: “Back then, when at the university, many wanted to become news reporters and anchors. Unfortunately, what they were waiting for was a company to advertise jobs so that they hand in their applications. I told them that journalism is a creative art, you don’t sit and wait for people to advertise jobs. Personally, I am skillful at writing, I became a freelancer at The New Vision. It is then that I gained experience and confidence about the profession. I later moved to the Daily Monitor as a writer, and shortly after, they launched NTV Uganda. When jobs were announced, those within Nation Media Group were at the better advantage. That is how I come in. I was persistent. Had I sat back to wait for job adverts, I would probably be vending maize today, which is not bad, but my talent would not have materialised. As you practice all spiritual disciplines like prayer and fasting, take a step of faith and discover your potential.”