In a short while, the impact Christian Music band, The Collective UG has created among the youth, most especially on social media is incalculable.
The group has achieved several milestones and innovations, that have engaged the youth in central business district Kampala among other regions.
“Essentially, this is what The Collective UG is about. Investing everything we have to the mission of reaching out to today’s teenagers and young adults, encouraging them to connect with God, and to live life with a sense of mission and purpose.” the band team leader and founder Nelson Muhire says.
The father of two used his 30th birthday message shared to reveal plans that they have for 2017, emphasizing that this is his last year of youthhood.
“According to the Uganda national youth policy of 2001, this is the last year of my youth. Also, as of today, i am older than at least 70% of Uganda.
“These statistics frighten me sometimes because my immediate surroundings don’t reflect this reality. The responsibility I apparently carry as a 30 year old man in this demographic. Our country being young means that there is a lot of opportunity to influence our countries culture.” He said.
Adding, “If we can make the intentional effort to reach out to the young people, teaching them to think critically about who they are, and to live life with a sense of mission and purpose, then in a very short time, as the younger people become the older people, everything will change.”
Nelson says that they have in 2016 reached over 15 schools, which is close to 10,000 students met, leading 600 to the important decision of accepting Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
The band’s new year will be headlined with a conference labelled ‘Sold Out’.
It is slated for 21st January – 2pm to 10pm and 22nd January – 10am to 10pm, 2017 at the UMA Multi – purpose hall, as Nelson further explains in this video.