The Billy Graham Evangelistic association has released the funeral program for world-renown TV evangelist, Rev Billy Graham who died at his home in Montreat, North Carolina on Wednesday morning.
Donald Trump, Jimmy Carter, George Bush, George H.W. Bush, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have all released statements in the past day lauding the celebrated evangelist.
England’s Queen Elizabeth was also a friend of Graham’s, and it’s reported by Fox News that she will be reaching out to the family with private condolences.
According to Family spokesman Mark DeMoss, Billy Graham personally approved the planning and details of his funeral arrangements years before his death and made sure the focus will not be on him, but on the gospel.
UG Christian News also learnt that Graham’s casket was hand-made by Angola Prison inmates in 2006, at his request.
His son, Franklin Graham will give the funeral message, while his brother and three sisters will speak briefly to honor their father.
In 2017, Franklin Graham gave the world a glimpse into his father’s personal walk with God by revealing the one verse he’s held on to his whole life.
“My father Billy Graham has a Bible verse pinned up on the wall in his bedroom, printed in VERY large letters. In fact, it’s in the dining room, his bathroom, and several other spots around the house!” Graham began in a Facebook post. “Galatians 6:14 says, ‘But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.'”
“It was his passion to memorize it, to saturate his heart and mind with it. He made it his life verse,” Graham added.
He said it was the one verse his father based an entire sermon several years ago.
CBN News reported on Thursday that Graham’s coffin will be moved from the funeral home in Asheville to Charlotte on Saturday, Feb. 24.
His funeral service will be held Friday, March 2, at 12 noon in a canvas tent set up near The Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina.
“His family and team members thought it would be fitting to also conduct his funeral service under a tent as a reminder of how his public ministry was launched,” DeMoss told CBN News.
Some 77million saw him preach in person while nearly 215million more watched his crusades on television or through satellite link-ups, a Graham spokeswoman said.
Graham will lie in repose at the Graham Family Homeplace from 8 a.m.to 10 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. The public will be allowed to pay their respects to the great preacher during that time.
The funeral service is private and will include family members, friends, and community leaders who were touched by Graham’s ministry. Approximately 2,300 people will be invited to attend the 90-minute service.
Reports show that Graham’s preaching ministry first gained national prominence in 1949 when he held a crusade in downtown Los Angeles under a large white tent, also known as a “canvas cathedral.”
Graham will be buried next to his wife Ruth, who died in 2007, at the foot of the cross walkway at the Billy Graham Library.
VIDEO: Billy Graham’s life