The First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports Mrs. Janet Kataaha Museveni has urged youth in Uganda to cultivate a desire to please God more than any human being.
Speaking during the annual Father’s day celebration walk at Kololo Airstrip organised by Family Life Network (Uganda) on Saturday, the First Lady explained that life requires that one makes wise decision in life, and forsake habits such as smoking, alcohol, drugs, crime, dirty language and sexual activity.
The celebration kicked off early morning with a march from Kampala City Square led by Hon. David Bahati, the State Minister of Finance for Planning in the Cabinet of Uganda.
He was in the company of Mr Stephen Langa, the Executive Director Family Life Network (Uganda), officials from the Ministry of Ethics and Integrity, Ministry of Public Service, Ministry of Works and Transport, Father’s Union, Church leaders and students from over 200 schools.

Mr Stephen Langa, the Executive Director Family Life Network (Uganda) (M) with
Hon. David Bahati, the State Minister of Finance for Planning in the Cabinet of Uganda (R)

Upon arrival at Kololo Airstrip, the group was joined by the First Lady who commended efforts of fathers in the nation.
“It is very important to recognize and reward the fathers who have been there for their children; For actively teaching important life skills. Fathers are central to the well being of their children, they are capable caretakers and good disciplinarians,” Mrs Museveni started her speech.
The First lady urged fathers to live exemplary lives adding that they play a vital role in keeping the family united. She explained that fathers often help boys ensure successful marriages when they turn into men.
“Those early patterns of interaction with the father, are the very patterns that will be projected forward into all relationships of a child’s life. If the father is affectionate, supportive and involved, this can contribute greatly to a child’s social development, as well as to the academic achievement,” she said.
“Children remember what their fathers were doing when they were at home. The girls also remember how their mothers behaved and what they did when they were young,” she continued.
“I must really thank the men who came here today to stand and show an example of fathers who recognize that this is a day they must stand here and show that they care about who they are to their families,” Mrs. Museveni said.
To the young people, the First Lady called for abstinence. She revealed that the forthcoming school curriculum will include a clear guideline for sexuality education in schools.
She told the youth that mental and emotional scars from pre-marital sex hurt future relationships.
“You must take seriously the issue of abstinence until you are older and ready for the responsibilities of marriage and a family of your own,” Mrs Museveni said.
“Speaking from a heart of a mother, and a believer in God’s law about how we should live, I want to assure you that God holds sexual morality as a top priority. Morality involves maturity, manners and living in light. And the consequences of breaking God’s guidelines concerning sexual conduct are many. They include infections (HIV/AIDS in these times), pregnancies, failure to achieve desired goals, poverty and a lot of unhappiness for you and those who love you,” she told the youth, revealing that 48 percent of Uganda’s population is under 15 years.

Officials from Family Life Network (Uganda) pose for a photo. They were joined by former Power FM 104.1 managing director Peter K.
Elsewhere, Hon Bahati urged fathers to fully support the cause of the institution of Family.
“We believe that the strength of a moral fabric of a nation depends on the moral fabric of our families. The stronger the families, the stronger our nation,” he said.
“A strong family means a God centered family. A strong family is one that prays together, eats together and recognizes that the head of that family is God,” he added.
The celebrations were hinged on Malachi 4:6 which says; He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.

Mr Langa revealed that the event was a result of President Yoweri K. Museveni’s call for a multi-sectoral collaboration involving government and the private sector to strengthen the family institution in Uganda.
Prior to her departure, Mrs Museveni launched a 5-year program involving government and other stake holders to strengthen families in Uganda by restoring values, character, and rebuilding the moral infrastructure of the people of the nation.