Pastor Umar Mulinde, a Christian convert from Islam who survived an acid attack on December 24, 2011 says it is not good that some Pastors are simply afraid to confront preachers of false doctrine in Born-again Churches today.
They choose to remain silent, Mulinde, who is the founding pastor at Gospel Life Church International in Namasuba says.
In regard to this development, UG Christian News was heavily criticized by a sect of readers on October 14 for publishing a statement issued by Born-again Church leaders who distanced themselves from three renown city Pastors over claims that the doctrine they are teaching followers contains errors and does not align with the revealed Word of God.
Critics who condemned the article said the Pastors’ “judgement” was not factual but based on rumor and speculations picked from corridors. They also spoke against the act of “disowning” another, citing scriptures that speak against divide in Church and others that call to love.
According to Pastor Umar Mulinde, there are effective biblical ways of “defeating negative powers, heresies and false preachings that are breeding false prophets and [other] unimaginable things happening in Ugandan Balokole Churches.”
“This challenge is deeply rooted and can not at all be handled by just health ativan press conferences of a selected few. It’s a common cause that demands participation of all stake holders and to handle it well, we need genuine unity, prayer and Biblical based strategic practical approaches,” Pr Mulinde says.
“It’s not good that some Pastors are simply afraid to confront this falsehood so they choose to remain silent. They do not realize that when it comes to false doctrine spreading like a disease, silence is synonymous with surrender. It will be wrong to continue preaching favorite doctrines hoping that in time the false doctrine will simply go away,” he added.
“All the while the false doctrine becomes more deeply rooted and tangled as Satan is left to have his way. Jesus, the Apostle Paul and none of the other New Testament authors ever tolerated the presence of false doctrine. Pastors and Ministry leaders must come to terms with the fact that silence concerning popular, yet destructive, false doctrine is neither a virtue nor a leadership quality,”
“False teachers and false doctrines always get a free ride when Ministers of the Gospel fear confronting them. Someone once said, “Only cowards remain silent when the Truth of God’s Word is under attack,” he added.
By Paul Dennis.