A baby, who was born 24 weeks premature and weighed just a few grams, has managed to fight against all odds, prompting doctors to have him discharged in less than a week.
When Imelda, wife to Mr Grace Wabaire, both residents of Kira Municipality, went for antenatal care at a health facility, she was informed of the challenges she could meet in giving birth due to her High blood pressure, a condition also known as hypertension.
“When we reached the hospital, the doctors told me; we are going to treat her for 24 hours but if her High blood pressure does not normalize, the only option left is to remove the baby following your consent,” Mr Wabaire said on Sunday as he testified at a Church, Praise Cathedral in Ntinda.
“My wife [Imelda] refused saying that she is not going to remove the baby at 6 months. She received treatment and after the 24 hours, her blood pressure did not go low, it was instead shooting higher and higher,” Mr Wabaire said. “The doctors were scared. They brought an external medical consultant who upon close examination concluded that my wife delivers by a cesarean section immediately. She still refused,”
Amidst all this, Mr Wabaire said the pressure levels of her wife were still recorded high. He spoke to her days later, trying to convince her that maybe a c-section could help save her and the child.
“By the time I came to an agreement with her, doctors told us the situation had gotten so worse for them to execute any serious form of operation,” Mr Wabaire continued. “As I sat in the doctor’s room, confused, I called my Pastor with who I agreed to pray over phone. Moments later, I held out the phone to my wife. She prayed with my pastor and all I could hear her say was; amen, amen and amen,”
Mr Wabaire says Doctors finally risked to have the c-section performed despite the high pressure levels, cautioning the couple of the probable shortcomings which included losing the mother, baby or both.
“I encouraged her with prayer we shared earlier with my Pastor,” said Wabaire. “As I saw her go to the operation theater, I embarked on prayer.”
“Relief filled my heart when I saw my newborn baby boy come out of the operation theater alive,” he said “I then asked; where is my wife?”
“I dont know whether we will be able to save her, but receive the baby for now,” the doctor responded.
“I was scared,” said Mr Wabaire. “I went with the baby to the incubators.”
“Moments later, they called me to receive my wife as well,” he said with excitement. “The prayer my Pastor made with us was made was able to save my wife, and our new born child.”
Grace shared with the congregation how he was told that the operation would be unsafe for the unborn child since he was not yet at least 7 months and 2 weeks.
“I was told he would not be able to breath well,”
Mr Wabaire says two (2) days in the incubator, the baby was put off oxygen for the their days.
“He was able to breathe without external support from machinery. On the 5th day, he was no longer in the incubator. He was fine. Doctors examined the baby and found him very stable. He was breathing and breastfeeding with utmost ease,” Mr Wabaire said.
To their shock, they were allowed to leave hospital in one week, a place they thought they would stay for at least 3 months.
“Prayer made my child’s lungs grow so first. I thank God,” Mr Wabaire said.