The Uganda Christian News website has been unoperational for weeks. The reason for the downtime was a revamp of the website.
The new, fully responsive and secure UgCN website now gives visitors quick and easy access to current affairs, along with other e-commerce features that will facilitate entrepreneurship in the Christian community.
It also features comprehensively enhanced capabilities such as video and audio features. This development is in line will our dream of becoming more visual, graphical and less textual.
UG Christian News incorporated as Christian Direct Limited is a nondenominational, evangelical Christian online publication operating as an independent entity.
We have quickly grown to become one of the most referred to online Christian news publications in Uganda, with continuous updates seven days a week, and a growing audience of over three hundred and fifty thousand (350,000) readers from over 10 countries.
Speaking out in this new achievement, the Chief editor and manager Aaron Sseruyigo commends the team that has made this dream a reality, and thanks the readers for patiently standing with the website during the construction period.
“I am personally excited about this new theme and all the construction that has been done in the back end. We now have infinite disk space for file storage and unlimited bandwidth to withstand traffic on the site. This wasn’t the case for our former theme. We were worried about the site completely crashing,”
“We have always sought to be professional in how we deliver news, and so, this achievement is encouraging. We are sharpening our tools even more,”
“We apologize to all our daily contributors, O-ped and columnists for any inconveniences this construction project could have caused. We thank our partners and readers for bearing with us. What God started, he will accomplish. We are confident of better things ahead,”
“This new site is not 100% complete, but we will work hand in hand with the IT team headed by Mr Ronald Turyatemba to effectualise this dream as news updates continue,”
On the same note, Christian Direct Limited is yet to officially open up its head office in the central business district. This will be on Posta Building, Kampala road.