Lead worshiper and iconic gospel minister Daisy Ejang is receiving warm reception for an overwhelming biblical message she sent to her Facebook fans on Wednesday.
Daisy, who left Uganda for Canada about 5 months ago, posted a lengthy note on her timeline, encouraging readers to push through distractions, adversity, and challenges.
To really drive her point home, the famous finalist in the 6th series of Tusker Project Fame has paid Facebook in order to increase awareness and get the message to a larger audience online.
Daisy Posted;
Child of God! What is that which worries you, keeps you awake all night, makes you wonder if God exists!
What is that thing that weighs you down. It has stolen your peace, joy and turned your laughter into mourning.
Is it family, work related, relationship, money, health, loss of a loved one, depression, hunger, landlord on your case,or inner demons you can’t explain? What is that thing that renders you powerless?
Do you know it ? Do you see it? Have you tried to get rid of it and it refused to move? Does it seem to prove more bigger than your God ? Have you prayed and prayed till you can’t pray no more, however no change whatsoever?
Do you feel like giving up? We all at some point go through challenges, sometimes we even feel like God has forsaken us or His busy working on more important people and things, lol.
Yes I sometimes almost loose my faith. But when there is nothing ahead to hold on, when it seems like a tornado is fast approaching from the front and I may not survive it.
[I] then turn my back and see the journey I have taken to where I am at that moment. I remember the hurdles that God helped me overcome and my strength is renewed, and am reassured that my God didn’t bring me this far to leave me!
I use my testimony as a weapon to go through the tornado because we overcame the evil one by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11).
Am then reminded that those who Trust in the Lord shall never be put to shame (Isaiah 49:23) because our GOD is not a son of man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19).
When He says He will not leave nor forsake thee (Psalms 94:14), have faith and believe that He won’t no matter how big that situation seems!
Allow me remind you that our God is beyond comprehension. In fact there is nothing too big or small for Him to handle .
He lets you go through some of these things not because He doesn’t love you or care about your feelings, but He knows what’s best for you and maybe that situation is needed to make you stronger!
It should also be noted that there is nothing He lets come your way that you can’t handle (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Yes, you can and you are not alone for Christ didn’t leave us as orphans we have the Holy Spirit who guides, counsels and comforts us among others (John 14:26). So Know that you are not alone!
Yes, the devil is always attacking, brawling like a lion looking for some one to devour but he is not (1Peter 5:8).
So how do we let him devour us? By giving him room to feed on the negative thoughts in our minds (Philippians 4:8), and when he comes in like a flood to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10_29), you can avoid all that by not allowing him a minute of your time – an idle mind is a workshop of the devil – Let Christ ‘s love fill your mind, heart and soul always.
Remember that you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:37). So, turn to that tornado and smile.
Send forth the word of the Lord that cuts through the darkness (Hebrews 4:12) – smile and wait for Jesus is in the same boat as you. Yes, the storms are raging! the sea is roaring! almost tearing down the boat and Jesus seems like His sleeping? I know!! but the fact that He is in that boat with you is enough.
The boat will not sink because He has got you covered and when He awakes, He will calm the storm and soon you will be singing a different song!
A song of victory (mark 4:35-41). Trust and obey, you are important to God .
She is currently pursuing a three-year course in Journalism at the University of Alberta, as sources confirm.
One fan offered a passionate thank you: ‘These words of encouragement went through my soul. Thanks for speaking to me this morning. I needed to kick off the day. God bless you.’