Who is a successful leader? Dusabe Peter, the Executive Director of Pacesetters’ Initiative for Africa says that no matter how good you think you are, the measure of success for any leader lies in succession planning among other key note areas.
Leadership is a call; every generation needs leaders that will not only build, guide and encourage, but also leaders that will spearhead a transition and passing on of a lasting legacy to the generations after.
In moments of my conviction and meditation, my mind was fed some nuggets that I believe are essential for the leaders in my generation. I have penciled these down in a note to serve as a stern reminder for those that subscribe to this phenomenal call:
Lose not sight of God
The central focus should be on Christ and His work of the Cross (1 Corinth 15:12-17 and Heb.12:2). Ministry itself shouldn’t occupy us that we actually lose sight of God himself. We must treasure our personal relationship with Him. It is the most important asset that we have even in our mission. Let Christ be central!
The ultimate goal for leadership is to lead God’s people to that place where God wants them to be: “It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” Ephesians 4:11-13.
Leaders in the body of Christ are assigned to prepare God’s people. This is the one goal that sits at the heart of God, and leaders must not weaver from this (James 1:8).
Be faithful
“Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful” 1 Cor. 4:2. Leaders must stay committed and focused to their assignment. It gets lonely and tiring most times, that is why many are called but a few are chosen.
However, stay faithful because the one who calls you is faithful. Don’t load it over those entrusted to you, complain, use your position to manipulate those entrusted to you or even throw in the towel. Many people give up especially when the going gets tough, but stay faithful to the call. At the start of her mission Mother Teresa said, “God has not called me to be successful but faithful.” I sound the same message to you today; be faithful in every aspect of your work!
Love God’s people
“…For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has not seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen” 1 John 4:20. God is love, and if we claim to love God then we must love His own people. Our love for God is demonstrated in how we treat His people. God loves people and leaders must not escape this either. Love is God’s command for all of us! Pray for them, be there for them and be an example to God’s people.
Personal discipline
David knew that if spiritual pride continued to increase, his nation would collapse spiritually. He knew that economic depression, moral disintegration or military defeat inevitably follow spiritual decline. So he turned to God, and it was revealed to him by the Spirit that the spiritual tide of his nation could rise no higher than the spiritual level of his own heart.
Your life is a platform for God to touch His people. You will realize that most of the decisions you make in life will affect every area of your life including your work and relations. (1 Tim.4:15-16).
Build and mentor others
Frank Buchman, forerunner of the Moral Rearmament told his colleagues, “If I do not train many others to do what I have been doing better than I do it, I shall have failed”. Leaders ought to use their positions to build and inspire their followers and those coming after them. Successive leadership is the measure of the success of the leader. (2 Tim. 2:2)
I would like to outline some quick reminders for you:
- Invest in other people
- Invest in yourself
- Serve: instead of demanding for your own privileges, serve! You were saved to serve.
- Work together: ministry is about God, leaders are simply laborers in the field.
Let us pay close heed to the call of God that is on our lives. We have an obligation to preserve the legacy of those that have gone before us and to prepare the stage for those coming after us. One of the ways we can make this happen is through exemplary and selfless service.
By Dusabe Peter
Dusabe Peter is a motivational speaker, author and the Executive Director of Pacesetters’ Initiative for Africa. It is a non-profit organisation dedicated to raising a morally upright generation of individuals that are passionate drivers of change in all societal aspects inspired by the word of God and a rich African heritage.