In his speech at Christian Restoration Church in Bombo, Dr Joseph Serwadda urged that Churches across the country must align with God’s purpose and constantly live out His plan.
His sermon titled ‘Destiny triggers’ was shared during the Divine Encounter conference hosted by Apostle John Bunjo and wife, Sarah Bunjo, the founders of Christian Restoration Ministries International (CRMI).
The couple earlier announced the event as part of a campaign aimed at among other things launching out Christians in prayer to awaken the generation lost to what they urge is a false spirit sweeping the nation.
“When God is about to do something, He gives you an understanding of where you will end. The steps of a righteous man are ordered by God,” Dr Serwadda started his sermon.
“When you walk contrary to where God wants you to go, you will find stoppers on the way. You will push, but won’t go any further until you align with what God wants,” the presiding Apostle of the Born-again Faith, and team leader at Victory Christian Centre – Ndeeba continued.
“After you have aligned with the will of God, ease will come and you will walk free. If you pray for anything and it does not seem to come, it may be God telling you that you are not in the right step. Locate yourself back into God’s will,” he explained.
As a way of illustrating his sermon, Dr Serwadda made reference to Genesis 12:1-2 which says; The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.
“God has a way of directing his people to their destiny,” Dr Serwadda said. “Until you step out and go to a place God wants to bless you, you are in a wrong place. There is no blessing there.”
He explained that with being canal minded and focusing on distractions, one can easily drift from fulfilling their destiny. He went on and shared how God instructed Elijah to leave for the Kerith Ravine,where he was fed by ravens.
“If Elijah had refused to leave, he would have starved like anybody else,” Dr Serwadda said.
Adding, “as an entire nation starved, Elijah was having two meals a day. Even when the place he was run out of food, God again instructed him; “Go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there. I have directed a widow there to supply you with food.”
The conference, tag lined ‘Is there not a cause?’ included speakers; Apostle Michael Kimuli from Christian Discipleship Ministries International, Bishop Stephen Senfuma from United Christian Church, Pastor Isaac Kitunka from Glorious church Bunamwaya and Pastor David Kunobwa from U.S.A among others.
In his remarks at a presser leading to the conference, Apostle Bunjo urged that false prophets have made it business to take advantage of innocent souls searching for God, and that they are motivated by the potential profits in the latest church trend.
“The tool of ‘false prophets’ might be undermined but it much greater – because he [a false prophet] takes a hold of the bible and begins to speak,” John Bunjo said.
John Bunjo said the attack is not just against the Pentecostal Church, but also other faith denominations.
By Paul W Dennis.