One of the things that is inspiring about prayer altars and that makes them contagious is that we can apply them to our own personal lives. Prayer altars have implications in every single Christian family, and can be established in churches and Christian businesses. As people catch the vision of prayer altars, they will see that we all have a role to play in building altars all across the territory. This means that God can use us to affect the big picture or to change the course of the way things are going in our homes and communities, even in our nation.
We will see that impacting a territory is not done by a powerful speaker, a singing artist, or a big event, but by the power of the Holy Spirit through prayer, and therefore that we all have a role to play in changing our society. Once an altar is established, people realize that their family prayer altar is not just for their family; it is for their nation. They will see that as more and more people begin to seek God together, they are creating a place—an environment—where the presence of God will be drawn, not just for their own well-being or for their own family’s protection, but so they can see the darkness being broken over their territory or nation. Christian businesses realize that they are not building an altar of prayer at their workplace just so God can bless them, but because they want to see the presence of God move all across their land.
As prayer altars are established, they even start to break the attitude of praying solely for our own well-being or blessing. There is a sense of joining something bigger, of becoming part of the army of God that is rising up across the entire nation, of joining together to seek the Lord with one purpose: to create an atmosphere into which God is being drawn so He can triumph in the land. We are seeing this unity of heart rising up all over the world. As people catch the vision, they are not only beginning to have faith for God to move in their families, they are also becoming part of a movement that is impacting their entire nation.
How This Strategy Can Change a Nation
One couple we know of absolutely did not want to do this when they first heard of prayer altars. They avoided praying with one another. They had tried praying as a couple before, but found themselves preaching at each other rather than praying; it was a colossal failure. As the concept of prayer altars was shared with them, they had a completely new vision of how to approach praying together.
They started to read Scriptures together for 30 to 45 minutes each morning, then spent time praising, glorifying, and worshiping the God who had been revealed in the Scriptures they had just read. The presence of God grew stronger every day they did this, and they began to experience God, which softened their hearts. This changed the way they prayed.
Instead of praying about how to change each other’s lives, they started connecting with God’s heart and His desires and ways. They saw that the atmosphere in their home was filled with sarcasm, criticism, and jabs. The woundedness that was in the home began to dissipate. They started to see their children drawn to the things of God, where before they had always seemed uninterested. Before long, their marriage altar turned into a family altar, and they testified that the altar affected their family more than anything they had ever done during their entire married life.
This is a simple story of how the prayer altar changed just one family. And yet, stories like this one are causing families all over the nations to say, “Let’s build our prayer altar.”
As families are establishing altars all across the land, you can see God healing mental illness, putting together broken lives, restoring fathers’ hearts to their children, and bringing change to the whole dynamic of the family.
Business people are beginning to build prayer altars and are seeing their workers being saved. There are testimonies from business owners that as they started building prayer altars, employees who had worked with them for over a decade and who had never asked about Christ were now asking questions and experiencing salvation. Many business owners and managers testify of changing their business practices; as they are seeking to draw His presence, some are finding they need to have greater integrity while others find they need to treat their employees better. The changes then impact other businesses they are involved with in their industry.
All rights reserved. Extract from Dr. John W Mulinde’s book, “Prayer Altars: A Strategy That Changes Nations.”. Find it Here
The author is the Founder and Global Overseer of World Trumpet Mission, World Trumpet Mission, an international ministry that promotes transforming revival globally, has been a part of the work of transformation that God has brought about in the nation of Uganda and in nations all over the world. Visit www.drjohnmulinde.com