Dr. Trimm speaks at the Phaneroo annual Women’s Conference ‘My Great Price’ organised by Phaneroo Ministries International on 6 July, 2019 in Kampala. She is the CEO and Founder of Cindy Trimm Ministries and Trimm International. (Courtesy Photo)
Influential USA author, life strategist and transformational leader, Dr. Cindy Trimm left multitudes of Christian women in Uganda with a renewed sense of calling, purpose and love for Christ during the Phaneroo annual Women’s Conference that took place at Kololo Airstrip in Kampala on Saturday.
The conference, which addressed diverse issues women face today both in Church and the market place, was described as a life-changing opportunity for ladies of all ages to find hope, identify their source of worth, and renew their joy; all from a Biblical perspective.
Familiar with these challenges and concerns, Dr. Cindy Trimm used her sermon to reveal how women can thrive and also take a stand against myths and misconceptions against their identity.
Dr Trimm explained that every woman and man has an assignment which cannot be denied, and delayed by ‘external forces.’
It can only be denied and delayed by you, she told the congregation.
The conference vision bearer, Apostle Grace Lubega urged women to ‘believe God for things money can’t buy.’
He said his desire is to see women rise up in ministry, nature families, and also take up major roles in the bussiness, health and education sector.
Dr Trimm encouraged women to see themselves as problem solvers.
As long as people see you as a problem, they will treat you as a problem, she said.
“There was nothing in the universe that was able to accommodate the potentiality, gifting, mentality of Adam. The Lord God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man. In other words, this rib is translated; a gene. It is not translated; a bone. A male does not have one bone less than a female. Both the male and female have equal ribs,” she said.
“God reached into man’s genetic blue print. This is why the Word of God says, you should ‘consider the woman a weaker vessel’. It doesn’t say she is a weaker vessel, it says, ‘treat her and respect her as if she is’. So, when God created a woman, the same stuff that He used to create a man, He created a woman. By revelation, Adam perceived what God had done, and said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”” Dr Trimm said.
She stated that the problem we are having in our society today is that women are not perceived as God created them to be.
“When God created the female, He did so with particular virtues. One of the virtues that God gave women is the ability to be a problem solver. Scripture says, Adam had a problem, that he himself could not solve. The animals could not solve Adam’s problem. When God created woman, he uniquely designed her to become a problem solver,” she said.
“As long as people see you as a problem, they will treat you as a problem. But as long as you don’t see yourself as a problem, you will never be a problem. I am here to announce to you that you are greater than you give yourself credit for. God created you as a problem solver. That means as long as you believe that things around you cannot be solved, you will suffer from an identity crisis,” she said.
“The bible says, ‘the seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent.’ (Gen 3:15). The day that a woman is born, she is born different from a man. A man has to wait till he is 12 years old before his seed is mature enough to reproduce. But the day a girl child is born, she has fully developed seeds that are ready to reproduce. She has 400,000 seeds hidden within her self. That means the day you are born, you were fully loaded. The enemy is mad with the woman because of what we are carrying. Each woman, you are carrying something for your community. And you may not understand this, but every child that you conceive, and raise, is a gift to humanity. And without your child, our communities will not thrive. This is why women are being attacked,” she explained.
Dr trimm quoted Proverbs 31:10-12 and later, Proverbs 18:22 which says; He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the Lord.
“This means we are wives, long before we marry our men. God has built us to become what a man needs. And we are born that way. We are born with certain virtues that there is no male man that can ever be born, that can replace us. We honor the order of God, where the male is the head of the family. But we also have to honor the fact that even if you have a male in leadership, the hand that rocks the cradle, still rules the world. Name me one doctor, president, scientist that didn’t come from the womb of a woman. The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world. If you destroy the hand, you destroy the world. If you wound the hand, you wound the world. But if you treat the hand right, the world will heal itself,” she said.
“God is getting ready to show your worth, and value. Just because people do not see the worth of a woman in this generation, it doesn’t mean that we devalue ourselves,” she told the congregation. “The area where people are fight you, is the area God has called you to shine. Ladies, rise and shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. You may be living in obscurity now, but one day the world is going to know your name.”
Attendees of the conference took to Twitter to express their gratitude to Phaneroo Ministries for the conference and also their feelings of inspiration from the speakers.