While I may testify that I am one of the happiest wives alive, I also must warn women not to settle for less. Marriage is good but staying in an abusive marriage is totally unacceptable.
God designed marriage to be enjoyed not endured. Don’t tolerate an abusive spouse at the cost of your life. As christians, we can’t just marry anyone; it has to be God to choose for us a spouse because He knows what’s best for us.
I couldn’t marry just about anyone, I waited on God patiently until He came through for me with the right choice. Be patient and get it right rather than rush and be miserable.
My home church Phaneroo is organizing a Men’s Conference on May 14th at Kololo Airstrip, I am confident that God is raising a new generation of good quality men who are more accountable, disciplined and non-abusive. So, the people questioning who is mentoring men/boys should know that Apostle Grace will be hosting 30,000 men at Kololo. God is at work let us not be moved by the negative events happening around.
The author is President, Hannah Women’s Ministry and Executive Director HILI Somalia.