By Our Reporter
The founder and Senior Pastor of Kansanga Miracle Centre Church, Isaac Kyobe Kiwewesi has urged Christians who need to experience God’s presence in a deeper way, to be willing to yield their minds, their time and their plans to the Lord.
Pastor Kiwewesi said through all seasons believers need to have a deep, spirit-driven hunger and thirst for the things of God.
He was speaking during a prayer meeting at the House of Rest, formerly Fido-dido theatre auditorium on November 2.
Through Acts 11, Pastor Kiwewesi cautioned listeners against a religious mentality he said influences many to replace the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives with individual religious activity.
“When you time of visitation comes, there are people’s mind you trouble,” the Preacher said.
“The visitation I am talking about caused confusion among the Jews. God is about to break religiosity,” he added.
Pr Kiwewesi explained that no Jew would think of going into a Gentile home, much less eating with Gentiles, for fear of contracting ceremonial defilement.
“Jesus had told the apostles to go into all the world to preach the gospel to every creature. But in their centuries-old Jewish way of thinking, the disciples thought that Jesus meant for them to go and preach to Jews who were scattered all over the world. But the thought of preaching the gospel to pagan Gentiles and of those Gentiles coming to salvation without first becoming religious Jews was simply unthinkable.
“God is up to something or the devil wouldn’t be fighting you this hard. You’re going to win! No one fights God and wins. Let the grace separate you from the rest. I am not meant to be among the preachers in Kampala but blessed be God, for from this you can know that God is no respecter of persons,” Pr Kiwewesi said.
About the House of Rest – Kampala
In a recent interview with press, Pastor Kiwewesi explained that he wanted to create a service in the middle of the city Centre that “deals with real issues of life and offers authentic spiritual healing to all believers and non- believers who might be hard-nosed by life’s challenges and yet they would like to find rest in the bosom of God.”
Out of conviction, he felt pursued to rename the place House of Rest.
“I rebranded to House of Rest because early this year when God gave me the task of leasing and refurbishing the place He gave the revelation of changing the name to the House of Rest, a place where people would find rest in God,” he told a local news daily.
Adding: “The beautiful temple of worship is, however, open to those who would wish to conduct church oriented services such as overnights and musical concerts.”