Apostle Muhumuza Wonder Anthony (Courtesy Photo)
Compromise and manipulation of systems to achieve relevance, success and wealth has hit an all-time high in Uganda and there is little or no value placed on a lifestyle that is true to God’s Word.
As Christians, we must consciously choose one of two ways in everything we do, either God’s way or the world’s ways, Apostle Muhumuza Wonder Anthony of Amazing Grace Faith Church revealed Monday.
In an update, Apostle Muhumuza explained that every child of God is ordained for continuous and unending change of levels.
However, how we progress in life or change levels matters.
God’s Word is our source of instruction and authority, as Apostle Muhumuza later explained.
“We need to live in constant pursuit of the next level. Stagnation leads to frustration,” he wrote. “The best way and right way to change levels is definitely by the way of The Lord. This will require you to engage the forces of progress wrapped up in God’s word.”
According to Apostle Muhumuza, to become who God designed us to be, it is vital that we walk in the presence of the Lord sanctified by Him and refuse to compromise to the carnal and material attractions of the corrupted world around us.
He quoted Proverbs 13:11 which says; Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.