Have you ever been rejected by someone you really liked? Maybe you tried to talk to someone and they totally ignored you. You probably felt disappointed, embarrassed, sad, upset, or maybe a little angry.
These feelings are normal and you can definitely work through them! First, it’s important to just acknowledge and accept how you feel.
We get it – rejection’s not fun, so how do you deal with it, whether it’s being told no for a job, a scholarship, acceptance to college, or a date with a certain person.
Simply remember that your whole self-worth doesn’t have to be wrapped up in whether or not someone wants you or not. And while rejection might sting at first, it also allows other opportunities to come into our lives, and maybe that can (eventually) be a good thing.
On Relationships: So you asked someone out and they said no. Ouch. We know it hurts, but yelling at them, stalking them, or trying to coerce or intimidate them into dating you after they’ve said no are considered unhealthy or even abusive behaviors. The healthy response is to respect their decision.
No one owes anyone their affections, and everyone has the right to decide who they will and won’t date. Even if you think you’d be perfect for each other, if the other person doesn’t feel the same way, they have a right to their feelings.
God has a plan for each person in the kingdom of Christ. Through the presence and filling of the Holy Spirit, we can trust in His leading us towards the right plan for our lives.
It takes effort on our part to diligently search the scriptures and pray for God’s guidance. There’s no task to difficult nor mountain too high for those who are compelled to live their lives in the purpose and plan of God.
The very words and acts of rejection used against you is exactly what God uses for His glory to reveal the finished work at the cross.
You shine the light of Christ in freedom despite the attitude from those who reject you. The beauty, peace, and love of God has no limits in the lives of courageous believers who reject the lies of this world and embrace the truth of acceptance in Jesus Christ.
Written by Evangelist Samuel Ballagadde.