I believe our level of obedience and commitment grows as we get to know about His love, goodness and faithfulness in our lives.
For any Christian, our desire to follow and obey increases as we encounter with Jesus at a personal level.
Artiste David Lutalo, who is known as one of Uganda’s most talented vocalists, has told over a hundred thousand people that follow him on social media that he has experienced God’s goodness and mercy himself.
The 27-year-old is very popular for posting godly messages, if not direct scripture on him social media platforms.
David has said he does not believe in God because his parents told him to, not because his church told him to, but because he has experienced His goodness and mercy himself.
Notably thought, Although extremely popular in Christian circles, the concept of “experiencing God” is debatable among bible scholars as some urge that it is not explicitly found in Scripture.
There are numerous commands in Scripture regarding how we are to relate to God, but experiencing Him is not one of them, they say, adding, faith is not a feeling.
In their defense, the key to experiencing God, then, is not expecting an “experience” or an emotional lift. Rather, it is a lifelong process of belonging to Him through Christ, being moved by the Holy Spirit by whom we are sanctified, and growing in the knowledge of Him.
From more of his posts, David Lutalo says it’s by God’s power that his music touches all age categories.
“For that matter, I will continue to praise Jesus’ name.”
“Don’t hate when you realize your friend brother or sister is achieving a step upfront. Instead, pray one day God shall answer your prayers as well. Everyone has a different journey of life.” Lutalo says. “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may become the children of your father in heaven.”