This message is for someone who has been under a siege, for someone who understands that tough times do not last, but tough people do.
There are dark moments in your life but thank God you are reading this. Most Women, just like Hannah in the bible would desire to have a perfect husband, and perfect marriage, but their is something missing.
Hannah had a rival in her marriage (1 Samuel 1:6). Her husband, Elkanah had two wives. The rival wife had already provided Elkanah with children and constantly reminded Hannah that she had not.
For your case, maybe it’s not a child, but you feel something is missing. You are desperate for a sign – desperate for a Child. I am here to declare that God has remembered you just as he remembered Hannah.
God “remembered” Hannah. His remembering was action – providing her with a child. For Hannah this child was not simply about her reputation before her husband and his other wife. It was about her desperate need for God.
During a visit to the temple, Hannah wept and prayed to the Lord that he would grant her a child. Her anguish was so strong that the priest saw her tears, saw her lips moving, but heard no words coming out. The priest thought she was drunk.
It is worth noting that Hannah worshiped God before He had provided her with a child and after He had provided the child.
Hannah was a worshiper. You can be a worshiper and go through tough things. You can be a preacher and go through a fight.
Our God is an external rock of ages, a lily in the valley. He is the trinity counsel. God is an arranger, He will always place you in alignment. If He has taken you through a given battle before, He will take you through any other to victory.
Hannah was desperate, she wept as Peninnah provoked her. Your tormentor will agitate hell out of you. He/she will challenge you, frustrate you out of that comfortable position.
They will label you all names, but you know what you desire from the Lord. Some people may not understand your testimony because they do not understand your problem.
God knows you too much. There are people God is going to allow in your life – to frustrate you for reason. Peninnah was with Hannah 24 hours, but she (Hannah) remained silent petitioning God alone.
Note this, Hannah did not say anything during her time of being provoked. For all Peninnahs in your life, don’t say anything negative. Words are seed. It is up to you, what you say during your life storms, hurricanes.
Do not focus on the Peninnahs of this world. They are attention and miracle robbers.
Just so you should be informed, Peninnahs are every where, they also come to Church. Peninnah is the kind of person that loves to put others down, as she lifts herself up.
When Your heart was broken by people, your relatives, It is God who stood with you. In your secret struggles and pain.
God stood with you when you lost that Job, when you were in that sick room, when you suffered a loss, when you got that nervous break Down, when people laughed at you and no body stood with you, God did.
I would have Given up long time ago, but God stood with me. This is because He is a mighty God, He is a consuming fire, an unquenchable fire, a game changer, a master planner , an arranger. a battle stopper, a voice of hope.
Any body can fall down, but a great person will get up, and that great person is you. You are going to come back again. Our God is a great God. You have got to get up!!
I am desperate. Desperate people do desperate things. I am a woman of God, But I have gone through tough times. There is a time desperation throws you at the throne of God, draws you closer to God.
I pray that desperation does not draw you away from God.
Peninnah made life unavailable for Hannah but she did not draw away from God. You have to go through this battle your self and come out as a victor. God allowed that battle, you will fight it and win it.
Sermon by Mrs. Edith Kamese, a Pastor at Praise Cathedral Church located along Kiwatule road – Ntinda, Kampala.