Gospel music minister Daisy Ejang has opened up about her past struggles in life, revealing why she believes in reaching people from all socioeconomic standings including those struggling with low self-worth, alcohol, drugs and other addictions.
He has recounted how during Childhood her mother, questioned how one can claim to love God yet desert or hate the very neighbor close to them.
In a video shared online recently, Daisy Ejang stated in a lengthy note that Christians can push through distractions, adversity, and challenges in life by looking back to how far Christ has brought them.
“Many days I felt I couldn’t breath,” she opened up. “Countless times I wanted to Give up. A million times I lost all hope and faith. I didn’t think I could make it through.”
Daisy Ejang is perhaps one of the most well known artist in urban Christian music these days who real life story many don’t really know much about.
But consider this – Ejang says she was grew up from a Christian background that in various ways affected her positively, but in a way did not offer perspective perception towards how one can adequately deal with issues in life.
“As life went by things hit me. And that point was a reality check for me that sometimes we have to come down. There is a reason God made us human beings, put us in this world and why we have to leave as a community,” she said.
“He kept me so close and held me so tight so I wouldn’t let go. I am alive today only because of His Grace. Now every time am faced with challenges that threaten to break me I look back to how far Christ has brought me and am reminded that He that liveth in me is greater than any obstacle thrown in my direction and because He conquered it all, I’m not afraid to forge a head with or without anyone to hold my hand because God has got me covered So are you,” she said.
Daisy said for a very long time she was not comfortable in her own skin.
“My self worth was down. Self worth is embracing your perfections or strength, faults and everything within you. Knowing you were created in God’s image and that no matter what happens, you will always love you. I often tell people that you can never love until you learn how to love yourself,” she said.
In celebrating your strength, Daisy says it proper for one to also acknowledge their weaknesses and work towards them to become better in life.
“Knowing that you have faults does not break you or stop your life completely. In this world, we all have strengths, and we all have faults – no one is perfect. It is ok to dream big, but as you dream, where are the people that you love in that dream. Does your dream crash theirs? We need each other. As Christians, we should not leave totally disconnected from the world around us,” she said.