Reports show that at least 16 people in the Philippines, among other countries are annually nailed to crosses on Good Friday to dramatize Christ’s crucifixion.
In what made rounds on social media over the weekend, hundreds of tourists watched in shock as actors dressed as Roman soldiers hammered four-inch nails through the hands and feet of a 58-year-old Filipino into a wooden cross for the 33rd time.
Speaking to Reuters, devotees said they believe their penance will wash away their sins, cure illness and lead to blessings.
The practice, which took hold in Philippines about 60 years ago, has over years become a purely tourism event.
Pastor Aloysius Bujjingo of House of Prayer Ministries International on Sunday condemned the “ritual act” calling it blasphemous.
He spoke against it urging that only Jesus made the greatest sacrifice to save man kind from sin.
“Jesus was not crucified so that others can do the same. He was the perfect sacrifice. The debt for our sins was paid in full,”Pastor Aloysius Bujjingo said.
“Satan has tried to undervalue Jesus’ sacrifice. He has tried to seduce people into thinking that what Jesus did can be done by any other man. This is very wrong,” Bujjingo said.