Each new year offers an exciting opportunity for a fresh start and new beginnings.
In Mbarara district located in the western region of Uganda, crossover celebrations were not just about ushering in 2020, but also leading hundreds of souls to Christ.
Bishop Nathan Ibrahim Turyamureeba, the lead pastor of Daystar Cathedral Mbarara, witnessed 230 people repent, and give their lives to Christ moments after sharing his new year gospel message.

This is not the first time the Church has seen such heartwarming conversions in its community.
Months back, they united with other Pentecostal Churches in the community for the ‘Jesus March’ aimed at “making the unity of Christians visible” through prayer, evangelism and social action.
“It’s an event where we put aside the names of our churches, pastors and leaders and unite together under God’s Kingdom,” he said then.“Through this event many people have given their lives to Jesus, including sorcerers and those practicing witchcraft denouncing their evil ways.”
The evangelical initiative goes through the streets of Saveyo, Mile 2, Kisenyi, Kijungu, Kiswahili and Biafra; These are all places said to be crime zones.