Pastoral team leader at Watoto Church, Julius Rwotlonyo in his speech at the 6th annual KCCA City Festival on Sunday told Christians it is their duty as believers to continuously pray for the nation and call upon God in repentance.
He said he believes what Uganda is experiencing today is a part of healing that is coming to kampala, adding that nothing is as precious as Christians across the country coming gather to celebrate the goodness of God.
He used 2 Chronicles 7:14 to explain that if a nation is troubled, a prayerful and repentant response by Christians is always appropriate.
“I passionately believe that the hope for the city of Kampala is the Church of Jesus Christ – it is the people that belong to God. The bible says that if we, God’s people, who are called by his name – If we can humble ourselves and pray – If we can purpose to seek the face of God – If we can turn away from our wicked ways, God says I will hear from Heaven, I will forgive sin and I will heal the land,” he said speaking to multitues at the Christian stage, Sheraton Hotel gardens.
“I want to encourage you, continue to pray for your country, pray for the leaders, pray for the Executive director [KCCA] this city, she is doing a lot to see that this city is reclaimed back to who it belongs to and that is God,” he said.
“I have watched how this city has changed. But I have to tell you, the biggest changes have been in the last few years and we can say, glory be to God who is doing some awesome things in our land,” he remarked.
The KCCA City Festival is nationally known as the biggest street party in East-Afrika and is a signature brand that draws multitudes to Kampala every October to celebrate culture, innovation, unity and social life.
Unlike the past festivals, organisers said the 2017 experience aimed at presenting an unprecedented dimension in the history of the festival characterised by fresh additions like the International Zone and a pre-festival Concert all packaged under the theme: Revel Diversity—celebrating who we are and the facets that uniquely depict our profusion of brilliant culture and social life.
At the Christian Stage, the gathering was of Christians and non Christians alike, pastors including John Bunjo, David Livingstone and Cindy Kiganda, gospel artists like Brian Lubega, Exodus, Zabuli, Levixone, Christian radio and TV presenters, dance groups and many more.