Journalist and founder of Watchman Ministry, Joseph Kabuleta has said it is about time Uganda’s decision makers saw Prophet Mbonye’s extraordinary gift for what it actually is; an asset to this nation.
Mr Kabuleta urges that Uganda has a prophet whose precision in predicting local, national and world events has been proven over the years.
His opinion, as published by Tri-weekly newspaper, The Observer on Friday received mixed reactions from readers, with critics asserting that “it’s not scientific enough to be officially acknowledged and included in national planning.”
Joseph Kabuleta says if Israel used the foreknowledge of a prophet to gain an advantage over her enemies, “shouldn’t Uganda use the uncanny abilities of our own Prophet Elvis Mbonye?”
“On the one hand are the thousands who follow Mbonye every week and are glad to see the prophecies come to pass. On the other are his vociferous critics who, having found no fault in the accuracy of his prophecies, have elected to direct their rage towards his ostensibly extravagant lifestyle.” Kabuleta remarks.
Mr Kabuleta says when the UPDF was heavily involved in the civil wars that broke out in Burundi and South Sudan, Prophet Elvis Mbonye had several months before the guns were drawn, prophesied about both wars before an audience of hundreds, that later grew to thousands.
“Could our soldiers have been better prepared for those events if they had taken the words of the prophet as more than just the rumblings of a preacher? In an earlier incident, in 2012, Mbonye had clearly described what he supernaturally saw as UPDF choppers in flames en route to Somalia, a prophecy that was well publicized long before it unfolded.”
In his article, Mr Kabuleta also spotlights USA noting that when it’s army had very scanty intelligence information to go by, it resorted to using the supernatural.
“The year was 1979 and America was desperate to free its hostages who had been held in Iran…Psychics worked for the US army intelligence and were even consulted before the super-secret US military raid that attempted to free the hostages in April 1980.”